How many brain cells does pot kill

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How many brain cells does pot kill”,you can compare them.

Government experts now admit that pot doesn’t kill brain cells. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many brain cells does pot kill
Does pot kill brain cells?
No, it just makes you stupid. Eventually, if you stop using, your brain will probably get back to normal. It doesn’t make you stupid. It just holds your long term memory cells in your brain and after a while it releases them. Pot doesn’t ma…
How may brain cells does pot kill?
It kills A LOT, if a person values their brain, Its a bad idea
Can drinking or smoking pot kill brain cells?
Hi! The active ingredient in Cannabis it TetraHydroCannabinol, this stimulates the brain to both increase the input of oxygen that is delivered to it, and at the same time increase it’s resistance to oxygen dissolved in the bloodstream. T…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can drinking or smoking pot kill brain cells?
Q: Some people say drinking and smoking pot kills bran cells and makes the IQ lower.They also go on to say drinking and smoking pot you cannot learn or do anything thing do to your brain slow down.What are the effects of smoking pot and drinking and your memory or brain.And is this true or not.
A: Drinking kills brain cells, but I don’t think smoking pot does.There is a Stoner in my class that is A LOT LOT smarter than I am, I respect that dude.
Does pot kill your brain cells?
Q: The reason I ask is many people say it does!The problem is that if you kill your brain, then eventually you will die cuz you die if you don’t have brain cells.Many people smoke incredibly large amounts of weed in their lives and never have ever had a death caused by just smoking weed.In contrast people die all the time from things that we know cause brain damage, like huffing paint or drinking alcohol.So how can it kill brain cells but not kill the person??We can’t be alive without brain cells right?some one said “if people die of paint fumes it’s not from brain damage”WRONGDeath from inhalation of organic solvents comes from loss of body control due to death brain cell massso cannabis should have ATLEAST a few deaths because if It does kill brain cells proportionally to use then that means some people would have had to have died from itIf you die of alcohol toxicity your brain is dead and that is what killed youAlso I did not ask if being high could lead to making a bad decision like getting into a wreckI want Biochemical pathways of braincell damageLike which chemical receptors are involved or which metabolites are produced?I know the CB1 and CB2 type receptors are what triggers the “high” but what makes the chemical toxic?
A: first you need to kick that whole idea them stupid people put in our heads when we were young. Weed IS NOT A DRUG! it just grows that way and if you just so happen to light it on fire it will make you feel very very good…and hungry…and…sleepy lol, you have never read no where that someone died of overdose of weed in the news have you?
Does smoking pot kill brain cells?
Q: I’ve heard that it does, but many people swear up and down that it doesn’t.Does anybody have proof or solid evidence* that it does or doesn’t?*A link to a survey, an article written by a doctor, anything.
A: No it doesnt, heres a site that explains about the only research ever done on that topic.
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