How dangerous is taking ecstasy

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How dangerous is taking ecstasy”,you can compare them.

2.6 million teens report having experimented with ecstasy, known as MDMA, in 2003; & 100s of teens have died taking such drugs. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How dangerous is taking ecstasy
Is it dangerous to take ecstasy if you have asthma?
Anecdotal reports seem to suggest that there are no particular problems or direct physical dangers for asthmatics taking ecstasy. However many asthma inhalers (such as Ventolin or Salbutamol) use amphetamine-like chemicals which increase he…
How dangerous is it to take ecstasy if you have epilepsy??
It is dangerous to take ecstasy if you are a human. About 70 users die each year in the UK.

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How dangerous is it to take ecstasy if you have epilepsy?
Q: I have mild epilepsy. Would it be dangerous to take ecstasy once? Is it best to take the latest dose of AED before having ecstasy?
A: It is dangerous to take ecstasy if you are a human. About 70 users die each year in the UK.
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A: Never! I know some people who suffer from mental illness because of taking this drug in the past.LMAO at “I think riding a horse while taking ecstasy or riding a horse that has taken ecstasy is pretty dangerous?”
Is it dangerous to take ecstasy while on albuterol?
Q: Is it dangerous to take ex with albuterol? I also heard dont take ex at all if you have asthma. Anyone know why?
A: mdma and albuterol both increase your heart rate. along with speed, coke, and whatever else may be in the beans. you don’t want your heart rate to go too high.I used to take x a lot, so i’m not just saying its’ a bad idea “because ecstasy is BADDD!!” but to answer your question, yes it’s bad to mix. and I have asthma and never noticed any problems however mine is very mild – i don’t even have an inhaler.BUT on another note, i do hate x now and recommend you don’t take it. from personal experience and witnessing the same from my friends…it’s not worth it. most people end up developing anxiety to some degree before they give it up, and usually to a high degree. i have bad anxiety now, i’m basically neurotic in many ways, and this has also happened to a lot of friends.AND, studies prove that no length of time will reverse…please please please just don’t do it. i promise i know from experience it feels sooo amazing but trust me that high is not worth a lifelong low.
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