How high can you get from smoking weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How high can you get from smoking weed”,you can compare them.

It’s hard to explain how high you can get from smoking pot. may feel relaxed or high. You may feel relaxed or get paranoid. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How high can you get from smoking weed
How high can you get from smoking weed?
I don’t think you do get ‘high’ just stoned, more confused, fuzzy, paranoid, lazy and more and more like the village idiot with every inhalation. That sounds to me more like a ‘low’ than a high.
How much weed do i need to smoke to get high??
depends on what kind ur smoking. if ur smoking cheap, dirt weed, u could smoke that stuff all day it wouldn’t do anything. also,be sure to ask ur dealer for chronic next time u go to get some, then all u need is like a little bowl and you’l…
Will smoking weed get you high?
Silly people – of COURSE it makes you high, but not like opiates do. IF you’ve ever watched a TV show and they have a slo-motion effect that’s what the world appears to be like. Everything moving at a different speed. It doesn’t make you st…

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Q: So iv been smoking weed for 4 years but recently i took a break from it for about 3 months. I just started smoking again a couple weeks ago. But a few days ago i smoked and the next day i still felt a little high then later on in the day i started feeling really high again for a while.Whats up with that? Is that normal?
A: Every time you smoke, no matter how much smoked in the past, many of the effects of THC last for 72 hours. Studies show that people who smoke a joint drive just as badly as someone with a BAC of .08. This impairment lasts for 72 hours, even if you don’t feel high.
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Q: I know my friend does it, but how can I tell if he’s high or not? What are some big things to look for?
A: He’s really hungry, his eyes are red, he laughs a lot, he says things that are out of the ordinary, he suddenly gets nervous about things, he hears noises and becomes paranoid, he has a hard time focusing, his blood pressure is elevated, he’s extremely tired, he feels heavy, he’s thirsty…Just look for things that are out of the ordinary. He would probably smell like weed too.Or just go for the obvious and ask him.
Is the high from smoking weed different then cooking it and eating it in any way?
Q: Some of my friends say its different but im not sure. Also just wondering does music sound better when you eat it hypothetically speaking peanut butter weed crackers
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