How do fire safe cigarettes work

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A fire-safe cigarette has a reduced propensity to burn when left unattended. The most common fire-safe technology used by MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do fire safe cigarettes work
How do Fire-Safe Cigarettes work? What makes them Fire-Safe??
While no cigarette will totally eliminate fires, a fire-safe cigarette has a reduced propensity to burn when left unattended. Fire-safe technology used by some cigarette manufacturers makes the paper thicker in places to act as “speed bumps…
What exactly is a “fire-safer” cigarette? How does it w…?
The most common “fire-safer” technology, used by cigarette manufacturers, is to wrap cigarettes with 2 or 3 thin bands of thickened paper that act as “speed bumps” to slow down a burning cigarette. If a cigarette is left…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is any one else having the same problem with fire safe cigarettes?
Q: These new fire safe cigarettes suck. When I smoke them, the tobacco barely burns and it’s mostly just the paper that burns. It’s like I am smoking just paper. Is anyone else having the same problem?People who want to say smoking is bad should just save it for a relevant question, thank you. I am clearly only asking other SMOKERS’ opinions.
A: yes i went to cigars because of it
Is it true that the chemicals in fire safe cigarettes can cause men to not be able to have an erection?
Q: A friend told me that it sounds weird though…And is there any place a can get a list of all the camel cigarettes and a pic of them?
A: Please read the following article indicating how smoking can affect a guy’s penis & reproductive system. Go to AOL Search – type in – Camel Cigarettes – a page will pop up w/several websites. Scroll down & click on Wikipedia – and there is a picture.What are my options?Definite DON’TsAlcoholAlcohol kills reproductive cells and decreases sperm viability. It also disrupts the link between the brain and the penis. Excessive use of alcohol inhibits the creation of the male sex hormone, androgen.SmokingNicotine reduces arterial pressure and as a result, prevents blood circulation to the penis. In addition, toxic substances from smoking are detrimental for sperm maturation.MarijuanaSharply reduces the level of male sexual hormones, disrupts chromosomes and promotes undesired genetic changes.Anabolic SteroidsAnabolic steroids bear a close resemblance to testosterone and as a result, the body stops its natural production causing impotence to occur.High CholesterolToo much cholesterol blocks the vessels providing blood to the penis and thereby reduces the blood flow necessary to maintain an erection.OverweightBeing overweight can disrupt your hormone balance and, as a result, the production of hormones necessary for achieving erection can become insufficient.Chemical drugsStudies show that out of two hundred most used medicines; as many as sixteen are likely to cause impotence. Among the most risky are drugs used for the treatment of high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, ulcers, tumors, plus a couple of medications used to combat allergy.
What kind of chemicals do they put in the fire safe cigarettes?
Q: And why are they trying to save us, and has this been helping?It gives me a massive headache!
A: Some kind of wax and glue……..I myself had an allergic reaction to these fsc cigs. I have been smoking many years and now all of a sudden i broke out in hives and when I say hives I mean an exteme bout of them my hands were even swelling from these cigs. so i am tryin to quit not that I don’t need to quit but it really bad that it has to be this way. They really need to stop adding harmful chemicals to these cigs.
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