How much is marijuana

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation Illicit Drugs .We found some answers as below for this question “How much is marijuana”,you can compare them.

1 ounce of good quality weed costs about $100 to $150 depending on where you live. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much is marijuana
It depends on the quality of the marijuana. Schwag or lower quality marijuana costs 10 dollars for a dime, and higher quality dank costs 30 dollars a dime. That all depends on many things though. (a dime of marijana is 1.75 grams) Then, you…
I don’t know exactly, but a gram is probably good. Make it two to be safe. Space cakes. Awesome.
The prosecutor decides whether to issue a misdemeanor or felony charge of marijuana possession based in part on the amount of marijuana you are alleged to have had in your possession. If it’s a relatively small amount, for example, less tha…

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How much marijuana would one have to smoke to develop a tolerance?
Q: How much marijuana would one have to smoke to develop a tolerance? And when I say tolerance, I mean that the user has reached a point where smoking marijuana no longer produces a high. And please do not answer unless you are speaking from first-hand experience or are citing a legitimate study.
A: well not from first hand experience, cuz i smoke but im not a pothead. but for sure, i know that there will never b a pint where u experience suxh tolereance as to never get hifh anymore. otherwise, there wouldnt be such things as pothead. but there is a time where one blunt will not get you high. my ex girlfrend went to rehab for marijuana smoking. some stories she would tell me, that shed cut skool to smoke weed, about 2 blunts per day. and there was a time, around 4 months after she did this about everyday, that she would need 2 blunts to get her high. no matter how powerful the weed was.
Why is marijuana illegal when cigarettes and alcohol are much worse?
Q: I used to smoke marijuana, and I am confused why, after all of the scientific study, why marijuana has remained illegal when tobacco is so much worse, and alcohol is so much worse. Marijuana is nowhere near as addictive, and is in no way destructive to the body.
A: Because the goverment can make money selling Alcohol and Tabaco. The prices can be controlled on both products. On Marirjuana on the other hand, is a plant that anyone can grow and the prices cannot be controlled on marijuana and the goverment cant make money off of it.
How much smokable marijuana do you get from growing one plant?
Q: I have to give my side of the argument of the marijuana laws in essay form, and want to find out how much pot comes from one plant. How many cigarettes can you get out of it?I have to give my side of the argument of the marijuana laws in essay form, and want to find out how much pot comes from one plant. How many cigarettes can you get out of it? I am against the legalizing of marijuana with the way the law is set up… no real control.
A: There are too many variables to be able to give an answer other than “It depends.” One plant of a strain known for higher yields can produce up to a pound under ideal conditions. Many people do “microgrows” for stealth purposes, and may only get half an ounce from a plant. My guess would be an average indoor grow yields 2-4 ounces per plant on plants kept to 3-4 feet tall. Genetics, size of plant when flowering is induced and quality of care as regards nutrients, pH balance and available light all influence yield.As far as the number of joints (please, it’s not tobacco!) most average 1/2 to 1 gram, or between 28 and 56 per ounce.
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