How do i get high off of household items

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Volatile solvents, gases, and aerosols can create a high. Nitrites are believed to create sexual stimulation. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do i get high off of household items
How can i get high off of household items?
Well, there’s many things you could use but i wouldn’t really recommend it. Research items containing dextromorphan, it’s a hallucinogen thats usually in cough medications. It will make you hallucinate, i suggest that you do your research b…
What household items can you get high off?
In addition to the rubber cement, spray paint, compressed air and sharpies, you may also want to watch for belts or bands secured in odd places in his room. I recently heard about kids strangling themselves to get a quick high. Additional…
Can you get high off household items?
Yup, it’s called huffing and it kills all your brain cells very quickly and makes you a vegetable. Good luck with that.

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can you get high off household items?
Q: also can you get high off smelling rubber cement and glue
A: Yup, it’s called huffing and it kills all your brain cells very quickly and makes you a vegetable. Good luck with that.
how can i get high off of household items?
Q: if u have any ideas or tips can u plz tell me?or what they’re like when used
A: Well, there’s many things you could use but i wouldn’t really recommend it. Research items containing dextromorphan, it’s a hallucinogen thats usually in cough medications. It will make you hallucinate, i suggest that you do your research before looking into taking any of the medicines because they can damage your body and if taken wrong could be fatal. Think about what you’re doing before you do it. You may not believe me now, but i know from experience that drugs ruin your life. If you want to have a good time i would suggest marijuana. It’s safer than taking something that was not meant to intoxicate you. Marijuana can be a gateway drug to some users but trust me, it’s fun to explore the drug world but it’s not worth the few hours it gets you high. Drugs damage the organs you need the most in your body and it’s not worth the risks! All it is is a few hours of enjoyment and most drugs make you crash afterwards so the few hours usually arent even worth all the puking or headaches of hangovers you get from most drugs. Pills and medications are really dangerous and inhalants are just as bad! Inhalants can cause brain damage, and you could die your first time trying any of them. Pam pan spray, whipped cream, dust off all of those things are dangerous and though the high may seem worth it at the time it’s not! Dust off is very addictive and very dangerous. I suggest you just smoke weed and be happy with that exploring into medicines and medications is not a good idea. Though you probably wont listen to me now it’s the truth. But if you’re going to do it anyway i guess i’d want you to be safe so if you have Mucinex Dm, 10 of the 600mg ones will make you trip depending on your body weight but don’t take more than 12 and be sure to stay hydrated at all times because you can get dehydrated easily on it. You will feel increased heart rate, you will feel anxious, you may experience mild hallucinations but nothing serious, you may get emotional and want to touch or hug someone and you won’t really know why. You may feel really heavy or really light. You’ll want to sleep probably but you won’t be able to because you’ll be too awake. You may get really hot or a red rash that’s a little itchy, that’s no big deal. If the rash gets too much to handle i’d suggest taking a cold shower or bath, it feels great and if you stand in front of a fan while you’re wet that will reduce the feeling of being hot but the feeling will only temporarily go away and you’ll get used to it. You can be active on this but i wouldn’t suggest running around too much or doing anything that might increase your heart rate. You should check into all the other drugs that are in mucinex dm just to be sure you’re not allergic. You may feel nauseous, but that’s normal. any amount under 10 pills will not make you high and i wouldn’t suggest going over 12 pills that’s not enough to make you overdose, so don’t worry. You may have thoughts that you’re going to die but that’s just temporary and you should know that you are not going to die. If you start foaming out the mouth thats when you should be worried. It takes anywhere between 3 to 4 hours to kick in and the time varies depending on the person so do not take more because you think it’s not working. You may not even know its kicked in until you reach your peak. Your pupils will get really big and when you look in the mirror you’ll look to yourself like you’re a crackhead but you really don’t look how you think you look. If it kicks in before 3 hours do not be alarmed. Throwing up is natural also, i threw up my first time. I suggest eating before you take the mucinex and if you have any heart problems or liver problems i wouldn’t suggest taking mucinex. Also you should do your research and see all the effects of mucinex because it can also cause brain lesions. Also if you ingest a tbs or two of nutmeg you will experience a high but probably not a pleasant one. It would take at least 5 hours to kick in and you can overdose on nutmeg, believe it or not. I suggest you do further research on these things and not on yahoo answers but from people who actually know what they’re talking about. Anyway, i hope that that helped in some way and that you’re carefully and really think before you try anything. Always remember to think before you act because your life could be at stake. Always remember to think of if it’s worth it. Never give in to peer pressure either, i know it may sounds cheesey(haha.) but seriously…it’s not worth risking your life to fit in. If you hate your life enough to risk it overdosing on some dumb medicine to experience a few moments of joy then you may need to look into counseling. No offense, i’m just trying to help and make you really think.
high off of household items?
Q: i am doing a shcool project and need to know the products you could get high off of and if you know the side affects if you dont then its k
A: Never try huffing, that’s for sure. People end up vegetables for life from that sh*t. Try nutmeg, it actually works and is relatively safe. Oh, and good luck with your “school project”.
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