How do you smoke hookah tobacco

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you smoke hookah tobacco”,you can compare them.

Much the same way as cigarettes. The difference is in the method. Water is placed at the base, and funneled through a tube. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you smoke hookah tobacco
Can you smoke hookah tobacco from a water bong?
Yeah, i wouldn’t see why not. you would probably need to dry it out a little bit, or maybe use a torch lighter, cause it’s pretty damp and sticky
Can you smoke hookah tobacco in cigarett wraps?
If it is shisha/nargila (the sticky fruity stuff) then it must be smoked in a hookah. It needs constant heat from a coal to work properly. If you try to do it other ways it will just taste gross. What flavors are they?
What brands of Shisha Tobacco should I smoke?
Honestly, I like certain flavors from various makers.  I believe that for the thickest smoke, you’ll find none better than Starbuzz .   If you’re looking for the most consistently accurate flavors, give Romman flavors a try.  However, the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you smoke hookah tobacco in cigarett wraps?
Q: i just recieved a bunch of hookah tobacco from a contest but i have no hookah pipe can i smoke it with cigarett wrapps or a bowl perhaps?
A: Not in rolling papers, no. Shisha (or hookah tobacco) is too sticky/wet to wrap in paper. Most tobacco shops sell relatively affordable hookahs. I’d go with that, since shisha is specifically made for use with a hookah pipe.
Can i smoke some hookah tobacco with paper, like a cigarette?
Q: I have some hookah tobacco and i want to know if i could roll it up like a joint and smoke it and if it would taste good.
A: I’ve never tried in papers, but I have tried it in an ordinary pipe. My best advice is not to bother, it’d be virtually impossible to light with anything short of a blowlamp.
Where can I go to get the stuff to smoke hookah cheap in Arizona or online…not the hookah tobacco?
Q: The water pipe device…and the charcoal…is what I’m looking for…I already have some hookah tobacco that my friend gave me…but all I need is the stuff to smoke it…I want to know the website and the Arizona store to get it cheap if possible…and the cheap price if possible…thanks
A: If you visit the website, you can plenty of modern hookahs at good prices. They ship everywhere and ship to many head shops in Arizona. You should visit the website and check out what they have to offer.
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