How do you do stigmata

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Stigmata are spontaneous bleeding wounds which appear on the body, such as the hands, feet, back, forehead, and the side. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you do stigmata
What is stigmata?
Stigmata are wounds or skin blotches which match the wounds inflicted on Jesus during the last hours before he died on the cross. Normally these wounds or blotches are found on the hands and ankles, on one side of the chest, and on the shou…
What is stigma?
you have been given many different answers and im just here to tell you that theyre all relevant. In botanical terms a stigma is the female reproductive part, the counterpart of the stamen, the site of pollen interception. In social terms a…
Is stigmata real?
The word stigmata means “marks resembling the wounds on the crucified body of Christ” –there is no reference in the Bible of this appearing.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Stigmata ……?
Q: The stigmata are wounds believed to duplicate the wounds of Christ’s crucifixion that appear on the hands and feet, and sometimes on the side and head, of a person.One of the first was Saint Francis of Assisi (1182–1226), who first experienced stigmata in La Verna, Italy, in 1224. From this time until more resent time’s it was thought that the holes for the nails would be displayed on the hands, but scientists have found that the Romans would of put them through the wrist.So is Stigmata real and are all the pictures and images of Jesus wrong ?
A: I think that the stigmata are manifested by people who are over zealous, and bordering on hysterical. The depictions in art of the nails through Christ’s hands are either inaccurate, or missing the added detail of the arms being tied to the cross-arm of the cross, but it is very curious that the stigmatics exhibit hand wounds-the power of the mind!I think it’s both–stigmata is false, and the images and art are technically wrong, but art often gets a free pass of poetic license.
Is it possible for a teenager to get stigmata?
Q: I was just curious and I wanted to know, most stigmatics are women so I’ve heard. And plus, I’ve been thinking about stigmata a lot and I’ve been having somewhat of pains in my hands and feet, sometimes. Is it possible that I might be thinking about it too much to the point I might be imagining it, or is this a sign?
A: I saw a thing on stigmata on the history channel once, i remember it was common in the middle ages for teenage nuns in particular. I think the answer is definitely yes.
How would people feel if a homosexual got Stigmata?
Q: I’m just wondering about this because I know that the Church frowns upon homosexuality and I was wondering what kinda impact it would have if an openly gay man got Stigmata? I know it strikes very holy people but how would people feel if a gay person got it?
A: They would say it was sell inflictedDid you know that if you have ever had sex (even oral) with another male (even if you used a condom) you are not allowed to give blood in the UK
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