What is a schedule for drug

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Schedule 4 drugs are known as prescription only medicines, are substances and preparations for therapeutic use only. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-schedule-for-drug ]
More Answers to “What is a schedule for drug
What is a Scheduled drug?
A Scheduled drug is a legend drug that is controlled due to potential for abuse and requires that the prescriber have a DEA number. They are categorized from Schedule I to V, (greatest to least potential for abuse). The terms “schedule…
What is a “drug schedule”?
A drug schedule is a guide that was created in 1970 as part of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act. The drug schedule classifies drugs and narcotics into five categories or schedules based upon their medical usefulness a…
Why is marijuana a schedule 1 drug?
yes. Mary Jane does not kill or is it a addicting drug.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the difference betweeen a Schedule I drug and Schedule II or III?
Q: Reason I ask is one of my good friend’s friend got busted for possession of some illicit drug. I don’t know what it was but it was Schedule II, I believe he said. Which Schedule drugs are the ones you get worse sentences for: I, II, III?
A: drugs are “scheduled” according to to their medical uses/their potential for abuse….schedule 1 = no medical use…ex. marijuana schedule 2 = high sbility for abuse but still has medicinal uses…ex. cocaine or codeineschedule 3 = medical use but less ability for abuse…ex. barbituric acid derivatives {{{barbs, yellow birds}}}schedule 4 = low potential for abuse…ex. methenolone {{{steroids}}schedule 5 = over the counter.edit: kevw is wrong, weed is schedule 1 and coke is schedule 2. yet we all know coke is punished more severly than weed…and in other questions he claims to be a cop. hey kevw STUPID COPS LIKE YOU GIVE THE GOOD COPS A BAD REPUTATIONEDIT: HAY DUMMY, UR REPLY WAS THE EXACT SAME THING I SAID. NOW YA TRY TO JUSTOFY URSELF BUT UR SAYING THE EXACT SAME THING I SAID. YOU TRULY GIVE THE GOOD MEN AND WOMEN IN LAW ENFORCEMENT A BAD NAME
What is the difference between drug schedule and drug classification?
Q: If you have the schedule and classification for these drugs could you please tell me them. I have searched online but can’t find them ANYWHERE. this is for a health project I’m doing. The drugs are GHB, Rohypnol. and Ketamine.
A: Shedule deals with the level of illegality. Schedule I is illegal for any reason, while II, III, and IV are available with a doctor’s prescription. It also goes by the potential of abuse.Classification is what kind of drug it is like stimulant, hallucinogen, etc. The ones you listed are kinda underground, so I’m not sure what they are classified as, but I’m sure you can find it online.
why is marijuana a schedule 1 drug and tabaco and alcohol is not?
Q: im pretty sure tabaco and alcohol have not medical use, they both pose dange and are both of high adiction risk. So should they not either remove drug restrictions or put tabaco and alcohol both under schedule 1?
A: A pretty complex question to answer really.Tobacco has no medical benefits that i know of. Alcohol does have some medical uses, but not in terms of consumption.A number of anti-smoking groups claim large numbers of deaths are caused by tobacco, and although these numbers are likely inflated (these groups often try to link any cancer death to smoking) they still can’t be ignored.Alcohol is not dangerous in small doses, but abuse is very high especially among young people. Numerous deaths and other serious health problems are attributed to alcohol abuse. Alcohol also has a high potential for addiction and recovery rates are very low (i’ve read only about 5%).Cannabis is completely non-addictive (unless you count emotional dependency, which can come from anything really). There are no proven health risks (some suggested links to mental health problems that are unproven and no causal relationship has been found). Finally, you cannot die of a cannabis overdose. No one ever has and no one ever will.The number of deaths and serious health issues associated with tobacco and alcohol are staggering. But due to taxation, political lobbies and the known problems with prohibition, tobacco and alcohol remain freely available. Cannabis on the other hand was demonised by the paper and associated industries in order to prevent hemp from replacing paper. Later, the hippy era brought about heavy drug use including cannabis. A belief that this drug use was “immoral” lead to a UN treaty called the Convention on Psychotropic Substances in 1971. These people believed that freedom and personal choice don’t apply to those who’s lifestyles differ from those in power.The World Health Organization has recommended Cannabis be reclassified to a Schedule IV (4). However the UN council doesn’t seem to care about the recommendations of experts and so it remains a Schedule I (1).
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