How long does it stay in your body

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does it stay in your body”,you can compare them.

The length of time any drug stays in your system will vary. LSD (Acid, Blotter, Microdot), a few hours or up to 5 days. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it stay in your body
The major amount of the nicotine in each cigarette will be flushed out quickly through your urine. This quick flushing rate often leads to heavy smoking, as smokers keep going for their next hit. However, as the nicotine is pumped through y…… the drug have half life of 2.5 hour this mean it need 25 hour to be comletely out of ur body
Remember to leave mehendi/ henna to dry on your skin and keep it on for as long as possible for best result. The color can be considerably darker if left on the skin overnight, or for several hours. The longer the paste remains on the skin …

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