Why is cocaine bad

Health related question in topics Food Drink Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is cocaine bad”,you can compare them.

Ingesting cocaine can cause severe bowel gangrene as a result of reduced blood flow. Injecting cocaine can bring about (MORE?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-cocaine-bad ]
More Answers to “Why is cocaine bad
Why Is Cocaine Bad?
According to a report by SAMHSA, more than 900,000 Americans over the age of 12 tried cocaine for the first time in 2007. With increasing popularity, cocaine has been an epidemic since its…
Is cocaine bad?
yes cocaine is pretty bad stuff but even though i never tried it i here its still pretty bad, but every one tells you that its good tasting and addictive. =}
Does cocaine go bad?
Taste a little bit on your tongue if it numbs then yes still good.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is cocaine bad for your heart?
Q: Why is it bad for your heart if you take drugs that quicken the heart rate (cocaine for example), but good for your heart if you do activities that quicken the heart rate (jogging for example). Don’t both exercise the heart?
A: Your heart can only pump so muchYou will have a heart attackcocaine numbs the pain It will ruin your nose permanentlyDon’t Do Drugs
Why is Cocaine so bad for you?
Q: I don’t understand why it’s deemed as so bad for you, especially if it’s clean. Doesn’t it originate from a plant? It really helps with my depression. It gives me energy and lifts me up. Also, didn’t dentists use cocaine to numb patients mouths? If you only use a small amount every so often, is it still as dangerous as everyone makes it out to be?
A: Cocaine Use: Physiological RisksDamage to the heart muscleParalysis of breathing musclesHypertensionChest painLiver damageIrregularities in the heart beatCerebral hemorrhage bronchitisHeart attacksHyperthermia strokes
Why is mixing crack cocaine and heroin bad?
Q: I heard from a lot of people and sources that when you smoke crack and then shoot some heroin, it’s really bad and lethal because heroin slows down the heart rate and cocaine increases it. How is that bad? Isn’t it supposed to be the opposite? I mean if cocaine increases heart rate and heroin decreases it then that’s supposed to be ok, isnt it? Like it’s a balance, and the heart rate remains normal. I dont know i just couldnt really make sense out of it. Hope someone can help me xx
A: mixing heroin and cocaine (speedball) is definitely lethal. I’ve known people who have died this way. Yes, coke speeds up the heart and heroin slows it, but it’s not a balancing act. It only confuses ones body & many many people die this way.
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