How much is a measure of alcohol

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How much is a measure of alcohol”,you can compare them.

A shot of liquor is a typical standard of measure for alcohol. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much is a measure of alcohol
What instrument is used to measure alcohol content?
Alcohol lowers the specific gravity of a solution which contains it. If the solution is almost pure water and alcohol, you can determine the specific gravity with a hydrometer, and look up the % alcohol on a table,. Because many alcoholic b…
How do you measure how much alcohol is in the blood?
A driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) is measured by the weight of the alcohol in a certain volume of blood. Police test breath to measure a drivers “BAC.” It can also be tested in the blood, urine or saliva.
How to Measure Alcohol
Improperly measuring alcohol can get bartenders in trouble, so use a jigger or speed pour with careful counting. Measure alcohol for mixing drinks from an award-winning bartender in this free…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you measure the alcohol content of home made sake/rice wine?
Q: When making sake or korean rice wine, you use a fungurs (koji or nuruk) that will convert the starches of the rice to sugar, at the same time the sugar is being converted to alcohol by the yeasts. A regular wine/beer hydrometer will not work, since you are unable to take a initial gravity reading. What would be the best way to estimate/measure the ABV% once it is finished?
A: If you can’t use a hydrometer to test specific gravity, I would recommend a Vinometer. You can pick one up at any homebrew shop. It will give you an approx. ABV for the finished product. I use one just to double check the ABV that I calculate based on SG readings. It’s not as perfectly accurate as SG readings, but it’s generally pretty close.
How does a breathalyzer measure alcohol in the blood?
Q: Just interested in the science here. If someone drinks a single shot of whiskey then immediately does the breathalyzer, does that alcohol register via ‘fumes’? Or does the device somehow differentiate and only register the actual acohol that’s absorbed into the blood? How?
A: There is a mathematical relationship between the amount of alcohol in the lungs and the amount of alcohol in the blood, and it can be manipulated to determine how much alcohol is in the blood without actually drawing any. All BAC testing equipment measures alcohol in the breath and uses this formula to calculate how much alcohol is in the blood. Accordingly, all the devices have a mouthpiece through which the test subject blows air and a sample chamber to hold the air.The Breathalyzer detects alcohol by monitoring a chemical reaction that produces a color change. Besides the mouthpiece and sample chamber, it consists of two glass vials to contain the chemical reaction and a system of photocells connected to a meter. The air is bubbled through one vial containing a chemical mixture and into another vial. From that vial, the air is passed over the photocells so the meter can measure the color change and calculate the BAC.
Any way to measure alcohol content of a homemade wine?
Q: I have already started the fermentation process so the hydrometer method is out of the question….is there another easy method? Is there a way to approximate the alcohol content using amount of sugar?
A: You need a vinometer and you can find one here or in any wine/beer making supply store ::
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