Is marijuana a bad thing to smoke

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is marijuana a bad thing to smoke”,you can compare them.

Yes, long-term marijuana abuse can lead to addiction. Abusers report irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, and anxiety [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is marijuana a bad thing to smoke
Is weed/pot/marijuana/ect REALLY a bad thing?
it really isnt a bad thing. it is used as a medicine to help relieve pain cause in many diseases. If it was legalized, it would create a whole new cornucopia of jobs and stores boosting our economy. Yes it is a gateway drug only if you use …
Why is marijuana looked at as a bad thing?
In the USA, it is a matter of money- people who had a lot and wanted a lot more- demonized the stuff in order to get it banned, so that it would not effect their market. if anyone cares to look into the period when marijuana was first pro…
What would be the worst thing that could happen if marijuana was …?
the world would have lower abuse rates, people would be more tollerant of each other and the owrld would probably less stressed sounds realy bad doesn’t it?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it bad to smoke marijuana just to fall asleep?
Q: HelloI take anti depressants, which do help, but give me terrible insomnia!!! And i cannot sleepI am wondering if it is a bad thing to smoke marijuana just to get a good nights sleep? I am exhausted! and my son is 2 years old..he still wakes in the night, plus the insomnia, i have not got any rest in a looong time!I dont want to feel depressed and tired when i get up! I dont like to wake up cranky, so for the past few nights, i go outside and take a couple puffs, then get in bed, i jump right in so that way i wont feel the munchies coming this wrong? i feel kind of bad, but ive been extremely happy, and energetic now during the day, i feel more focus, and in tune with life, again, i have ONLY done this in the evening so i can sleep, i am not in any way a pot head, i dont think LOL.So yea, i am just wondering,,,thanks! <3
A: no preaching here about the cons of smoking it since i am not innocent of it (i.e. it’s illegal and there is a risk ~ although probably minor to nil of your 2 year old running across it) but instead of smoking pot have you not tried OTC sleep meds like tylenol pm and such?…..since you are being prescribed meds for depression i think you should talk with your doctor about the side effects of what you are taking and see if maybe you should be switched to another scrip or if there is something he can give you to help you sleep… me smoking is just purely an aggravating habit that doesn’t really help me sleep UNLESS i have gone through that munchie stage and eaten….otherwise i wake up a few hours later STARVING and we know its not good to eat and then go right to bed…..either way good luck….it amazes me that running after a toddler all day doesn’t wear you out so if you aren’t sleeping at night you must really be exhausted!
Why is smoking marijuana such a bad thing to do?
A: Cause governments can’t profit from it, if it were to be legal. Everybody would be growing their own.
Is it really such a bad thing if a young athlete smokes marijuana?
A: No, I mean, you’re just killing your brain cells. You want to be fast, not smart, right?
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