How much is an once of weed

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Depending on where you live and who you get it from,an ounce of weed can cost between $200 and $230.Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much is an once of weed
How much is an once of weed in amseterdam?
idk but one gram is between 6-11 euro. Max purchase at one store is 5g.
How much is a quarter once of weed?
Hydro or bush? $80 sounds a bit steep to me, but then again I have good contacts 😉 If the supply is a bit dry around where you are, then $80 would probably be the going rate. Personally I wouldn’t pay more than $60, but hen again I don’t…
How much weed will I have a month once my plant starts budding??
It depends on the strain. It also depends on how long you veged them for before starting the 12 and 12. Big plants = big buds. Fertilizer matters. The most important thing once all is said and done is to harvest before the trichomes turn am…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much is a quarter once of weed?
Q: So this dude was like I’ll get you a quarter once of weed for $80.(Australian dollars). I don’t know how much a quarter once is. Anyone know? How much in kilo’s? And do you think its a good deal?
A: Hydro or bush?$80 sounds a bit steep to me, but then again I have good contacts ;-)If the supply is a bit dry around where you are, then $80 would probably be the going rate. Personally I wouldn’t pay more than $60, but hen again I don’t buy quarters, only full ouncesThere’s 28 grams to an ounce so a quarter should weight 7 grams.
would yall call someone who smoked weed once a week for a month an infrequent user?
Q: it was only for a month and it really wasnt once a week. ok well i smoked once and then a week later i smoked again and then a few hours later i smoked a little bit more. then two weeks later smoked again. would you call this an infrequent user? (and before smoking body was perfectly clean) i read that weed leaves infrequent users urine in about 10 days. would yall say the weed would be out my urine 100% in 4 weeks?
A: I’d say so. It will have left your bloodstream and urine within 14 days if what you detailed is accurate. However, it seems as though you will be facing some kind of doping test. These are, as expected, highly sensitive to any trace of drugs within the body. I’d recommend a high intake of liquid, preferably water. Ask yourself why you were taking drugs… and really was it worth all this worrying?
How will smoking weed once at this point affect the results of a drug test?
Q: 22 days ago i got drug tested after being a chronic pot smoker for like 8 months. i failed for weed. then 2 weeks later i failed for weed again even though i hadnt smoked since the origional test. i figure i need to be clean for about a month before i start passing the tests. if i smoke once today (after being clean for 22 days) will it be longer than a month before i can pass?
A: umm dude just wait til you get off papers to smoke that green lol
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