What plant is heroin made from

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Heroin is a drug made from morphine, a natural substance in the seedpod of the Asian poppy plant. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-plant-is-heroin-made-from ]
More Answers to “What plant is heroin made from
What plant is heroin made from?
The opium poppy is the source of heroin. Use the link below to learn more and see pictures.
Does heroin come from a plant or is it made in a lab??
Both. It originates as opium from opium poppies, which is then refined using chemicals into morphine. Morphine can then be further refined and condenced with a final result of much more effective heroin.

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Q: I do know that cocaine and heroin come from plants and this just made me wonder if ecstasy came from a plant as well.
A: Unlike heroin and cocaine, ecstasy is synthetic– it does not come from a plant. It has to become synthesized in laboratories. Some users make the drug in secret labs of their own– utilizing their basements, trailers, or even kitchens. In the making of the drug, a lot of other substances are usually added. Some of these are amphetamines, cocaine, dextromethorphan, and in some instances, even chalk. Thus, the purity of ecstasy is always in question. This drug is also smuggled in sometimes from Mexico, Europe, and even China.
Does heroin make you a legendary musician?
Q: Bradley Nowell? Anthony Kiedis? Jim Morrison? Janis Joplin? Steven Tyler? Robert Plant? all heroin users.
A: You forgot Carlos Santana and Eric Clapton. Both of them got over the addiction and were better for having done so.To answer your question: No, heroin doesn’t make you a legendary musician, but a lot of legendary musicians got involved with all sorts of drugs, including heroin. As you can see, some lived but many died.
Why is the USA supporting Afghanistan?
Q: Afghanistan makes/grows heroin and as a result many people in the USA get hooked. The government of Afganistan will not allow the USA to destroy the plant that makes heroin. Why is Bush so weak? Must be a good reason.
A: Our inaction in this regard points out two areas of American hypocrisy. First, we speak ad nauseam about the need to devastate any resource that aids Islamic militancy, and yet we ignore a major monetary source for militants – that being the drug trade that comes from Afghan opium crops. Secondly, well before 9/11 we were constantly bombarded by the need to conduct a “War on Drugs”, and yet a major source of drug dissemination is Afghanistan. Our willingness to look the other way in Afghanistan belies our commitment to our “War on Drugs”. Forget that the war on drugs is fundamentally misguided; the fact that we are conducting it, but not truly trying to curtail drug production, shows us that we are not committed to this war, anymore than we were committed to the war in Vietnam, our efforts in Somali, or in our War on Terror. Our virtual avoidance of the issue of the lucrative Afghani drug trade emphasizes that the United States is continually behaving like a nation that says more than it really is willing to do. It also proves that whatever we profess to be right and wrong is abandoned when it becomes politically or economically inconvenient.
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