How much tar does one cigarette have

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How much tar does one cigarette have”,you can compare them.

The tar content in cigarettes varies greatly from brand to brand.The range for one cigarette is >,05 gm to 27 gm. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much tar does one cigarette have
How much tar is in one cigarettes?
at least 22mg
How much tar is in the average cigarette?
I guess you can read it on the label!
How much tar is in cigarettes?
Fgt if u expect an answer that answers ur question u should chk a site where n00bs actually look into there thouhts :/ -Masterchief p.s rofl

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A: No but is has other harmful effects in the long run, like damamge to your heart, brain function (obvioulsy) and can damage your immune system. On the other hand I heard (randomly so excuse me if I dont have the exact source) that on a scale of one to ten (one being least harmful) marajuana was the least harmful addicting drug out there. Cocaine, and herroine were high up on the list next to the most harmful being ciggarettes and alcohol.But mainly pot it just makes you lazy and stupid
Does the tar from the cigarette go away from the lungs during passive smoking?
Q: Does the tar from the cigarette go away from the lungs during passive smoking? I did it about 2-3 times in my whole life for a 5- 10 minute period. My lungs and throat hurted when I ran , now they have gotten much better, does it mean the tar is going away?If so how long does it take?How does if effect your lungs?
A: You lungs should be fine. You have to smoke more thatn just one or two times to do any real damage. Here are some facts.Almost as soon as you stop smoking, your body starts to clear itself of the poisonous chemicals found in smoke. Within hours. The amount of carbon monoxide in your blood will return to normal within 48 hours. (Carbon monoxide keeps oxygen from getting into your blood and makes it harder for you to breathe.) Within days. Your sense of taste and smell will get better. In 1 to 2 months. If you have a long-term cough, symptoms like coughing, producing phlegm and wheezing will improve. In 1 year. If you have COPD (a condition which makes it hard for you to breathe), your breathing will get easier. In 5 years. For women, your risk of cervical cancer drops to the same as someone who’s never smoked. In 10 to 15 years. Your risk of coronary heart disease (which causes heart attacks) is about the same as someone who’s never smoked. In 10 to 20 years. Your risk of lung cancer falls to 70 percent of what if would be if you kept smoking. The sooner you stop smoking, the better. If you stop smoking before the age of 35, you avoid 90 percent of the health problems linked with smoking. But even if you quit after the age of 50, you reduce your chances of dying from a disease linked to smoking. Stopping smoking increases your chances of living longer. On average, if you give up smoking:At age 30, you’ll gain an extra 10 years of life At age 40, you’ll gain an extra 9 years of life At age 50, you’ll gain an extra 6 years of life At age 60, you’ll gain an extra 3 years of life.
How much tar could a cigarette filter absorb?
Q: I bought cigarette filters, they don’t have any information that how much tar could a filter absorbs. I found some filters on the web, called one step at a time. It says some of those filters absorb 25 percent and some 50 percent and some 75 percent and some 90 percent. Is that true? or it is just some advertising? I went to smoke shop, they only have the regular filters. Do pharmacies carry filter?
A: Honestly, about 10% or so. If you got the clear ones, you can see a very little amount of tar is absorbed
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