What is a FAA drug test

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a FAA drug test”,you can compare them.

FAA Drug Test is a pre-employment test using such things as urine and hair follicles. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-faa-drug-test ]
More Answers to “What is a FAA drug test
Does the FAA third class airman’s medical certificate include a d…?
Short answer: No testing Third class medical requirements include testing of 67.303 Eyes, 67.305 Ear, Nose, Throat, and Equilibrium, 67.307 Mental, 67.309 Neurologic, 67.311 Cardivascular, 67.313 General Medical. However, 67.307 states that…
Does the FAA first class airman’s medical certificate include a d…?
Tell you what… It doesn’t specifically says that a drug test is required. But folks, believe me or not, when your urine is taken, all kind of tests are done including a drug test. I recalled a newly hired pilot got fired a week later afte…
Does the FAA class 2 medical certificate include a drug test? If …?
There are no tests performed during the exam, but the form you fill out before the exam does ask if you are taking any prescription medications, or if you have used drugs in the past. Don’t try to hide anything. If you have used drugs in …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

A: If you are trying to obtain a medical certificate from an AME(Aviation Medical Examiner) ,they do not test for any drugs/alcohol in your urine, they do tests for protein and other elements to determine your general health and check for symptoms of diabetes, liver/kidney diseases, etc., because these may prevent you from obtaining a medical certificate. If you are asking about a required drug test because you have been involved in an accident or you are joining a new company, they will conduct a urine test to check for THC, Cocaine, Methamphetamines, PCP, and other popular drug types.
Is that true? No drug test is required for the Faa physical to get a private pilots licesence?
Q: I am in fact a pilot in training. I have my medical already. I did take a urine test that i thought was for drugs and later found out that they only test for diabetes. I AM NOT A DRUG ABUSER. I simply think it seems wreckless not to test for drugs
A: Rebeca, in the US, it is a certificate. not a license. The Medical examiner does not prick your finger or take blood for a third class medical certificate. You will be required to provide a urine sample, this a check that measures the amount of protein in your urine to see if you have kidney damage due to DiabetesEdit” I also agree it is reckless that drug use is not tested for. If it were up to me it would , there are those that say the medical would become too expensive if drug testing was done. This baffles me as a pilot will spend 2-5 grand on a gps,. but want a medical exam for $50. *sigh*
Does the FAA Medical Exam include a drug test?
A: if your asking you better not be a pot head
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