What are some names of marijuana strains

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Some of common street terms for marijuana and/or THC include: aunt Mary, boom, chronic, dope ganja, gangster, grass, hash, herb. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-names-of-marijuana-strains ]
More Answers to “What are some names of marijuana strains
Where to find marijuana strains names?
Check out “the big book of buds” by Ed Rosenthal. I believe there are currently 3 volumes out and you can find them online at either Amazon.com or at Ed’s website, quicktrading.com. Also look for a book called “dank: the ques…
What is the name of the best marijuana sativa strain that i can e…?
sorry buddy but there really isnt a way to direct you to a specific sort of weed especially since we arent in your area, and if the blade was that would kinda be soliciting and i dont think the mods want that.. Honestly your best bet is to …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

where to find marijuana strains names?
Q: does any one know where i can find a list with all the marijuana strains names?
A: Check out “the big book of buds” by Ed Rosenthal. I believe there are currently 3 volumes out and you can find them online at either Amazon.com or at Ed’s website, quicktrading.com. Also look for a book called “dank: the quest for the very best marijuana” by Subcool. Very informative and lots of nice bud shots. Lots of strains too.
What strains or marijuana are sativa? their names?
Q: like the names, bubba kush, grandaddy purp, skunk, like what are the names of sativa strains?
A: Marijuana is not all sativa. There are two types, sativa and indica. There are hundreds of strains, many of which are hybrid (mixed). It’s impossible to list them all as breeders are constantly crossing new strains, and some old original genetics are being lost since the trade is shifting. Most of the old stuff during the 60s and 70s came from Mexico or Central America (all sativa), but thanks to the DEA putting a major dent in importing, it now comes from other places, which I will not help them by naming. A lot of it is now grown domestically. Indica is the source of the best hash. As to the strains you’ve mentioned: anything kush is an indica dominant hybrid and skunk is sativa dominant. Most of the strains considered the best are some kind of hybrid.
What is the name of the strain of regular marijuana?
Q: I want to know what is the strain of marijuana that most people smoke. The regular bud that anyone can probably find in their neighborhood.Not the hybrids that comes from Amsterdam. And yes I have smoked marijuana, so don’t be rude wanting to know why I posted this question. PLEASE, NO IGNORANT ANSWERS. Thanks You.
A: You’re not gonna like this answer, because there really isn’t one. Depends very much on where you live and where the majority of the street weed comes from. A lot is from Mexico, and is mostly landrace sativa’s, though the Mexicans lately have been buying up seed for some good quality genetics from A’dam. You said “bud” and by that most people mean unseeded flowering tops. Most of the “schwag” or common street pot would not be called “bud” since it’s usually seeded. More and more folks are growing their own, and there are many commercial growers producing decent bud for their local market. The strains they grow will vary by what’s preferered in that local market, or their own personal taste. So, no easy answer on this one. You might try asking if the bud you or your friends buy has a name.
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