Why does marijuana get you messed up

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does marijuana get you messed up”,you can compare them.

Marijuana is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States. It is a dry, shredded green and brown mix of MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-marijuana-get-you-messed-up ]
More Answers to “Why does marijuana get you messed up
What is a good way to get messed up without Alcohol or marijuana??
Okay, here’s what you do. Get your coffee maker. Make as much coffee as it will make at once (should be about twelve cups). Ice it, throw in a ton of creamer and real sugar. And drink it all. At the same time. You’ll be walking on sunshine …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does or can smoking marijuana mess up your menstral cycle?
Q: please help! Im just wondering if it can make it late or something cause i know it messes up a guys sperm count. thanks!
A: Yes it can mess up your Cycle
How has marijuana messed up the lives of your friends?
Q: Or has it? Have you seen high school friends whose lives have went to pot? What’s your take on the herb?
A: I’m a child of the 60’s, so I’ve seen what pot can and does do to peoples lives. I’ve really seen it ruin good lives. The people I know that started with pot soon escalated to liquor and pot, then to “Speed” and after trying pharmaceuticals for awhile they went on to the hard stuff-coke & heroin.All the people on drugs could do was get the money for their next “fix”, nothing else. No job. They got into illegal activities-prostitution, robbery, assault anything to get that “fix”. Also, drugs sort of speed up your system. The people I knew died in their 30’s or 40’s. They didn’t take care of themselves, they just didn’t care. Drugs can really be bad news.
Q: I been smoking for for 6 years im 17 and i first smoked when i was 11…i dont smoke it everyday even though somtimes i do..yes it has gave alot of mood swings, lazzyness but when i have sex my penis stays up for a bit but then little by little it starts gettin softer…. but its weird because inside of me im horny..does this mean i HAVE GOT TO STOP?
A: It can damage sperm.
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