What are the long term problems with smoking pot

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Some side effects of smoking marijuan could include cancer, weakening of the immune system, breathing problems. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-long-term-problems-with-smoking-pot ]
More Answers to “What are the long term problems with smoking pot
Do you think habitual, daily, pot smoking is a problem? Permanent…?
This addiction is just as bad as any other. People rarely seem just to stick to pot, and start dabbling in harder substances especially after starting out so young. Maybe he has other addictions that he was hiding from you, he obviously fee…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

long term use on smoking pot?
Q: is there any problems with long term pot smoking
A: It can cause paranoia and other mental health related problems. However, it doesn’t ALWAYS happen. As with all drugs, it’s a gamble.I don’t think you are as likely to get lung cancer from smoking pot as you are from smoking tobacco and cigarettes. Some people can become psychologically dependant on pot, believing they “need” it. Such as, a person that smokes pot when stressed may have the urge to smoke pot whenever they feel stress building up.So yea, there are problems with smoking pot long-term, as with taking any drug. It’s not as dangerous as other drugs, even some prescribed drugs are more harmful than pot.
Is my smoking pot, bulumia, and pill popping causing these problems?
Q: Okay so I have been smoking pot since new years. Around the begging of February I started smoking every single day since then. Sometime in January I started back up with my bulimia. About the middle of February I started throwing up every single time after I ate. About a month later no matter what I did and how hard I tried I could not throw up anymore, I had to slow it down and only do it a couple times a week in order to get my gag reflexes back. So I decided to just not eat. At the end of May I stopped everything all together except for smoking pot. In about the begging of May my stomach started to hurt really bad when I would smoke. Now I cant smoke with out that stomach ache and it hurts so bad that im going to quit for a while. My stomach feels like its full of air and then it feels like something is pushing on my heart and it starts to hurt a little. Yesterday my heart was beating really fast and it was hard to breath and I felt shaky. I smoked three times today, the last time was about 10 mins ago. About 2 mins after I smoked I started to feel weird and my heart slowed down so much, my upper left arm is hurting really bad, my chest feels heavy, and its hard to breath. It kind of feels as if my throat was clossing up. Most of the pain is in the left side of my chest. I have only the throat clossing up feeling one time before. I am worried I may have an ulcer and that is why I have stomach pains, I am also even more worried that I may be having a small heart attack right now because of the pain in my chest. It doesnt hurt as bad as it did about 10 mins ago. My dad had really awfull heart problems from long term druge use. My dad was clean off of meth for about 2 years when he died of a heart attack, they said his heart was damaged so much from meth use that it just gave out and he died in sleep. This happened January of 08. Now im worried to go to bed. Also everytime after I smoke my stomach right under my left breast gets so so so swollen and huge. Why? Now my upper right arm is starting to hurt. Why? Please try and give lots of detail. I also snorted 3 baclofen about 5 hours ago, could that be doing anything? What should I do? Also dont give me lectures I have heard it all before.Also I know that smoking pot can not cause you to have a heart attack but if you have a pre existing heart condition it can cause you to have one.And also my grandpa was an alcoholic and like my dad he too died of a heart attack.I used to take percasets and vicadins alot but I havent been able to get any for a while, and for a a couple of months I was taking 4 to 6 banadryl every night, can that cause stomach problems? Recently about 3 days ago I had 9 days sober from everything and durring that time I didnt have the problems. My cousion is really worried about me and wants me to stop for about a month so I promissed him I would. But now im worried that I will never be able to smoke again and I really enjoy it. My breathing is also weird like I have asthma or something and im weezing for no reason and I havent even done anything today, I woke up went to the bathroom talked on the phone and typing this question, why is all this happening and why am I weezing for no reason? Im debating on weather or not I should go to the doctors and get it checked out.
A: Well it could be a combination of things…You may have small panic attakcs when you are smoking weed and psyching yourself out or the combo of you being bulimia your body may be lacking certaint things like electrolytes and smoking pot may make you feel very strange. I think that you should go to a doctor and seek help. They should test your pottasium levels etc. from puking and you should give up smoking weed. I used to be bulimic and smoke weed as well. I used to constantly feel like i was going to have a heart attack because my heart would race and i would panic. I have stopped both of these things and my body is thanking me.
long term marijuana use??
Q: i smoke marijuana (about once a day) and as much as i enjoy it, i am concerned this might lead to problems later in life. i try and read up on long term pot use, however i get conflicting reports from sites. can someone (preferable with experience in medical field) please tell me what the long term effects are, and is smoking pot 4 times a week considered heavy marijuana use?
A: I’m not a doctor but I stayed in a Holiday Inn last night and I’ve been high for 25 years and I can’t tell anything negative, YET. But, it does have more carcinogens than cigarettes plus people don’t use filters and hold it in. 4 times a week is heavy. I smoke 4 times a day.
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