What are the withdrawls from quitting smoking

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the withdrawls from quitting smoking”,you can compare them.

These symptoms can include depression, trouble sleeping, feeling irritable or restless, and trouble thinking clearly. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-withdrawls-from-quitting-smoking ]
More Answers to “What are the withdrawls from quitting smoking
What withdrawls should I expect from quitting smoking??
symptoms can possibly include headaches, irritability(the overwhelming feeling of wanting to kick the sh!t out of anyone or anything), nicotine cravings, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and weight gain.
How to quit smoking and get thourgh the withdrawls.??
Wear a large rubber band around your wrist. When you get the urge, or feel the urge coming on reach down and snap the rubber band against your wrist and I swear to you it will take the urge away. BTW: My answer is serious your attention wil…
How long do nicotine withdrawls usually last when you quit smokin…?
Hi Harry .. well i guess it really depends on what you mean by withdrawals.. Scott quotes that 3 day thing, and that’s for nicotine to get out of your blood stream.. that’s a generally accepted figure. actually folks in the recovery communi…

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What withdrawls should I expect from quitting smoking?
Q: I am quitting smoking cold turkey. I smoke about a half a pack a day and I am a little worried about what I will experience. If anyone has done this and can tell me a little of what they went through that would be great. Thanks
A: symptoms can possibly include headaches, irritability(the overwhelming feeling of wanting to kick the sh!t out of anyone or anything), nicotine cravings, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and weight gain.
Withdrawls from quitting smoking?
Q: I’m quitting smoking after three monthsI’ve smoked quite a bit, but I’m not addicted.But I could feel it comming (that’s why I quit)What are the withdrawl symptomsand how long do they last for?
A: its usually accompanied with headache, anxiety, nausea, irritability, and a multitude of other physical symptoms. nicotine creates a chemical dependency in the brain making your body have to have a certain level of nicotine at all times.
While pregnant can your baby have nicotine withdrawls if you quit smoking?
Q: I am 28 weeks pregnant and have smoked ciggarettes my entire pregnancy, if i quit smoking right now can my baby have nicotine withdrawls?
A: My Dr. told me not to quit. Quitting causes stress and will harm thebaby. So I cut back to 5-7 a day. The result. 3 pregnancies, 3 bigand healthy babies. All because I listened to my Dr. His advicebenefited my children.
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