What else does smoking do to your body

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What else does smoking do to your body”,you can compare them.

Heart disease and strokes are also more common among smokers than non-smokers. ChaCha back for more! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-else-does-smoking-do-to-your-body ]
More Answers to “What else does smoking do to your body
Does anyone else get a body rush when they smoke sometimes??
Really depends on the weed you have. For a while I was really turned off weed because the stuff I would consistently find was just a couch-lock lazy high (Eastern Canada has much less selection of strains than the West, or the States). But …
Does any body else smoke this stuff and enjoy or dislike it??
M39 is a strain that was bred mainly for its commercial possibilities. It’s a cross between Skunk #1 and a Dutch commercial strain that together produced a fast flowering plant that responds well to being grown indoors. Sadly though, it’s a…

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According to the bible, If your body is a temple, where does one draw the line. Beer?Smoking?Sex?FastFood?
Q: Honestly, I can understand the point that God has paid for our bodys, and that Jesus lives within each of us, but do you all live like Mother Theresa? Is it just me that drinks, smokes, eats fast foods, has sex, lays around on a Saturday afternoon and does nothing, does anyone else do this, or at least some of this? Who decides where the line is drawn and what is good or bad these days.BTW….no Jacka**’s please…..1 word answers not required…..go find a better section to play in….Okay and there’s another point…is swearing something that does not project your body as a temple to the Lord?I’m confused.P.S. Two word answers like “FREE WILL” are cop-outs, if your are going to play that card, then explain why all the rules to live by according to the bible. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a real jack**s, I just hope that someone might be able to sense my desperation for an answer here.Thanks.
A: What each and everyone of us do is between themselves and the Lord. It is not our place to say that this is wrong or I wouldn’t do that. Whatever a person feels in their heart is right or wrong is their own beliefs. Again it is between them and the Lord Almighty.
what else can you say about smoking cigarettes?
Q: except from its effects to the body, the chemicals found in it, diseases caused by smoking.. what else? is there anything else?
A: ewww filthy cancer sticks.
What could cause the left side of your body to go numb?
Q: When my father-in-law woke up this morning, the left side of his body was numb. He won’t go to the hospital to have it checked out. I think that it may be a stroke of some sort. (He’s at greater risk for having a stroke because he has a history of circulatory problems, he has diabetes, he’s overweight and he smokes.) What else could be causing this numbness and how serious is it?
A: if half on his body is numb he should go to the hospital immediately. just take him. who cares if he doesnt want to go. its whats best for him. if he did have a mini stroke and it goes un-treated he can end up being permanently paralyzed.
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