What brand of cigarettes are the most unhealthy

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What brand of cigarettes are the most unhealthy”,you can compare them.

All brands of cigarettes are unhealthy however Menthol brand cigarettes do contain fiberglass. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-brand-of-cigarettes-are-the-most-unhealthy ]
More Answers to “What brand of cigarettes are the most unhealthy
Do different brands of cigarettes contain variant levels of cance…?
There is really no way to remove the cancer causing agents from tobacco and still have tobacco. They are all generally the same when it comes to the chemicals they contain.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What type of cigarettes are least unhealthy?
Q: Yes I know they all are, but which are least, roll ups, menthols, what brands etc?Also, does it cause you less harm if you use a cigarette holder?
A: SERIOUS ANSWER:There are several companies offering herbal cigarettes (no, I’m not talking about pot). They are nicotine and tobacco free, and list ingredients such as honeysuckle, marshmallow, and rose petals. I have no idea how they taste. I’ve never tried one myself, but I have a friend who is using them to stop smoking and she says they are “different, but not bad”. They have regular and flavored options, like vanilla and mint. Of note, federal trade commission has makes these companies state in their advertisements that their cigarettes still produce tar and carbon monoxide. So, I guess they are safer, but not 100% safe. Try this site for more info www.honeyrose.co.uk or search Yahoo! for “herbal cigarettes”.As far as the healthiest of store brand cigarettes, the ones that will do the least damage are the ones with longer filters, like 100’s. The filter absorbs some of the toxins, so the more the filter gets, the less you get. So, don’t roll your own or go filterless. I’m not sure about the holder. If it has any kind of a screen or filter inside of it for the smoke, then it would be helpful. Otherwise, it just looks cool!
How unhealthy are additive free cigarettes as compared to traditional cigarettes?
Q: for instance American Spirit brand say additive free but I know smoking is bad and they are still addictive though since the nicotine is in the tobacco right? and what about menthol versus regular what makes them menthol has to be an additive
A: I consider all cigarettes to be just as dangerous as all other kinds. Menthol are not any more or less dangerous. Menthol is an organic compound made synthetically or obtained from peppermint or other mint oils. It is a waxy, crystalline substance, clear or white in color, which is solid at room temperature and melts slightly aboveCuriously, although menthol smokers take shallower and fewer “drags”, or inhalations, the difference in blood pressure and expired carbon monoxide for nonmenthol smokers appears to be minimal [1]. Likewise, at least among African-American smokers, quitting seems to be much more difficult for smokers of menthol-flavored cigarettes [2].In addition, the documents supplied during the trial of the tobacco industry mention specific effects of menthol in cigarettes: A cooling, anaesthetic function lessens the sensation of drawing hot gases into the mouth and lungs, while the mintlike flavor of the compound improves the perceived taste and lessens the impact of nicotine’s bitter flavor and scent. In a form of tradeoff, however, the menthol is also a source of increased oral and respiratory irritation, though this is somewhat masked by the aforementioned anaesthetic effect (G. Ferris Wayne, Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program, “Application, function, and effects of menthol in cigarettes: a survey of tobacco industry documents”, 2004 February).
What brand of cigarettes comes in the prettiest pack?
Q: smoking is dirty and unhealthy, don’t do it, yadayada.
A: Sobranie Cocktail 100’s. Pink, gold and silver. The cigarettes themselves are wrapped in similar colours.
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