What should I write about quitting smoking

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What should I write about quitting smoking”,you can compare them.

You should write about the health benefits of quitting smoking as well as the monetary savings. ChaCha Again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-write-about-quitting-smoking ]
More Answers to “What should I write about quitting smoking
Why Writing Can Help You Quit Smoking
Writing about what you’re feeling when you stop smoking can be an important tool to help you quit. Many smoking cessation programs offer workbooks, diaries, and other tools to help you write about your experiences, whether in a journal, on …
Does Anyone Know How I Can Write A Letter To A Friend Advising Hi…?
You can persuade your friend by telling him disadvantages of smoking. This is the best way to convince him. I am sure he knows how much injurious smoking is for health but still you have to realize him. Smoking can lead to lungs cancer. You…
How This Writer Quit Smoking
“No Smoking.” This story is not intended as advice, but a more personalized version of “How I Kicked The Habit.” Smoking is said to be an addiction, and like any other addiction there are physical and emotional elements …

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I need some help on a question in my class that talks about how to write a goal to quit smoking. Help please?
Q: I have a question in my study skills class where we have to describe a certain goal that they give us, and one of the goals is to quit smoking, but I know nothing about smoking, so I have no idea how I would describe how to quit except to go to the store and get some of those patches and the gum. How would I go about describing how one would quit smoking? Any help with this would be appreciated! Thanks!
A: Do you have friends or relatives who struggle with a nicotine addiction? Also try google searching and see what you find. I would be in the same predicament as you having never smoked. On the other hand my mom and step-father have smoked in their earlier lives and my dad still smokes. That would be the first place I would start.
How can I email president elect Obama with info on quitting smoking- if I write him, where would I send it to?
A: www.change.gov
I’m writing a speech about smoking. how people should quit smoking.?
Q: I’m having problem on how to end my speech. i wrote bout how smoking is addictive, cost alot of money and leads to health problems. I need help to end my speech. can anyone give me suggestion or examples to my conclusion. thank you.
A: i don’t smoke myself but if a person wants to smoke then they should be allowed to do so as long as they are only harming themselves and not anybody else. i hate how smokers are treat like the worst people in society. they know the risks so leave em to it. although i make my smoker freinds stand outside and i can’t wait for the uk ban on july1st… leave em alone. if they really want to quit then they’ll try.
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