What damage does marijuana do to you

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What damage does marijuana do to you”,you can compare them.

One study found that an abuser’s risk of heart attack more than quadruples in the first hour after smoking marijuana. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-damage-does-marijuana-do-to-you ]
More Answers to “What damage does marijuana do to you
What damage can marijuana do?
Marijuana does very little physical damage to a user, but damage, due to it’s illegal status and general social disapproval for the substance can cause damage to a person’s life.
Does marijuana cause brain damage?
Marijuana, it’s been a controversial issue whether long term marijuana or cannabis use causes brain damage. There can be some acute affects of decreased coordination, some slowing down of psychological processes or we call cognitive problem…
Does Marijuana Damage the Liver?
While the effects of marijuana on various bodily systems are still being debated in the science community, one possibility being studied is potential damage to the liver. Hepatitis C Those suffering from hepatitis C, an inflammation of the …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does marijuana damage bone healing or simply slow it?
Q: I know that smoking, cigarettes particularly, slows and hinders healing bones. I’ve heard a lot of conflicting stories though. Some say it’s the nicotine, some say the carbon monoxide. Some say THC itself is bad for healing bones. So, my question is, how does smoking marijuana affect healing bones? Also, How does smoking marijuana through a vaporizer affect healing bones?
A: i dont have a clue but i doubt you will find any credible information on that subject. talk to a doctor that you can trust
Does marijuana perminetly damage or effects your brain?
Q: Im 16 yrs old and i been smoking pot scince i was 13yrs old. I know its not healthy or good,but I recently quit. And i been feeling really slow latley, and i wana know it marijuana perminetly damages your brain in any way….Does it have any future effects????
A: There are no long term effects to marijuana usage. it doesn’t lower your sperm count, it doesn’t make you retarded, and unlike alcohol, it doesn’t kill brain cells. You just need to stop blazin’ it. you’ll feel better.
does smoking marijuana damage your short term memory and reaction time permanently or temporarily?
Q: if it damages it temporarily, how long will it take to improve your memory and reaction time again?
A: Permanent damage could result from prolonged use but the minute you decide to quit using it your life will improve. As for temporary damage, it depends on how much you’ve smoked, the potency of the mind altering constituents, and how long you’ve smoked it. Considering these factors, you or for that matter any user, may return to “normal” in as little as 3 days or as long as a year. If you are just “experimenting” the “theories” you may compound are not worth your life or the life of your friends. Take some advice from an old hippie. 51 years old haven’t smoked in 10 years. It’s taken about that long to get my head back on straight.
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