What is more pure crack or cocaine

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is more pure crack or cocaine”,you can compare them.

Crack refers to non-pure (or fake) versions of rock cocaine! Cocaine rocks are more pure. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-more-pure-crack-or-cocaine ]
More Answers to “What is more pure crack or cocaine
Is Cocaine or Crack Bought on the Streets Pure??
When users snort or inject cocaine or smoke crack, they are almost always ingesting something else besides the drug.
Is Crack Purer or More Potent Than Cocaine?
There is a common misconception that crack and cocaine are fundamentally different drugs. However, crack is simply powder cocaine that has been converted into a “rock” form which can be smoked. The conversion of power cocaine to c…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is pure cocaine still available on the street or is it only crack?
Q: No, I’m not interested in buying any. I just want to know if pure cocaine powder is still a street drug or if the dealers only sell it in the form of crack cocaine. My guess is the latter since you can get a higher yield (since its cut with baking soda) and sell each hit at a lower cost.
A: of course its still available. it usually isn’t made into crack until it gets sold from the 20 kilo guy to the five kilo guy then the guy who sells it in pounds, ounces then it may be cooked ;).
What makes crack cocaine more intense and more addictive than regular cocaine?
Q: If crack cocaine is made from powder cocaine and baking soda, how is is more addictive and intense than regular, purer powder cocaine.
A: I’m not an expert on drugs, but “I think” that adding baking soda creates a chemical reaction that makes the cocaine more potent.Also, you should ask this question in the Drugs forum, not the Health forum. Doing so will get you more answers, and better answers.
I was told that Crack is a more pure form of Cocaine and is stronger. If so, why is Cocaine more expensive?
Q: If you buy ~$60 dollars worth of Crack, then you have the same weight as about $150 dollars worth of powder Cocaine. How can Crack be stronger and more potent?
A: I guess that is because Crack is a synthetic drug that can easily be created. Cocaine comes from a natural resource (poppies) and needs to be planted… and finally one needs to smuggle it!
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