What is the feeling of LSD

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The physical effects include dilated pupils, higher body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and tremors.ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-feeling-of-lsd ]
More Answers to “What is the feeling of LSD
What does LSD feel like?
It is a very hard thing to accurately describe what it feels like to be on acid. The closest thing I could relate to is that it’s kind of like being in a dream, but even that does not come anywhere close to the true feeling. It is so hard t…
What is the differences between Ecstasy and LSD (the feeling, the…?
Ect is more of a dance/ night club drug. It makes you more sociable, gives you energy and confidence. Srt of the “perfect” party drug. LSD is a hallucenogen. Trips last about 9 hours and tend to peak after the 3rd or 4th hour. Tak…
Is a bad lsd trip the same feeling as a sleep paralysis??
a bad lsd trip is like having a nightmare. you dont know whats real or what is imagined. you start to freak out and panic alot. it lasts a long time and nothing can calm you down. not sure how sleep paralysis feels but thats how a bad trip …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is a bad lsd trip the same feeling as a sleep paralysis?
Q: Or even just a normal trip? The sleep paralysis’ I had were always scary, is it the same thing as a bad lsd trip? Last time I had one was a few days ago where I didnt sleep for a day, then when I went to my bed, I feel asleep about 30 min after, and thats when I started to have a sleep paralysis. The weird thing for me though, is that I know its scary, but I enjoy it.
A: a bad lsd trip is like having a nightmare. you dont know whats real or what is imagined. you start to freak out and panic alot. it lasts a long time and nothing can calm you down. not sure how sleep paralysis feels but thats how a bad trip feels.
Is it normal to wake up feeling like you have taken LSD?
Q: Years ago I used to LSD but I have not taken any for twenty years or more, but still sometimes I wake up and feel like I`m at Glastonbury. I can`t even tell my slippers from my slappers until I`ve had a cup of coffee.
A: I heard that people feel the effects (euphoric ones) long after they quit taking the drug. Sometimes I feel like I’m “blew back”. It’s been 10 years or more since I smoked weed. Hope you feel better!
What is the name of the feeling experienced in the throat when taking LSD or MDMA?
Q: It is rather perculiar and by no means unpleasentI have noticed it with many other drugs (Phenethylamines, MDMA, Epehdrine, Psilycobin ) as well and i assume it is related to serotonin (particularly as it was noticed heavily on the onset of LSD)Is there a medical name for itJust curious, Thanks
A: If you’re talking about the weird kind of sore/tight throat feeling, I want to say it’s an inflamed pharynx associated with dry mouth.
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