What is the most weed smoked by one person

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the most weed smoked by one person”,you can compare them.

Reggae artist Bob Marly holds the record for the most weed smoked in a single day. He smoked weed because he was a Rastafarian. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-weed-smoked-by-one-person ]
More Answers to “What is the most weed smoked by one person
How much weed has one person smoked in one sitting??
Once you are really high smoking more weed to get higher doesn’t sound appealing, it is all about your threshold. Anything more is overkill and can make you sick. It also depends on how you smoke it, like if you make a rather large gravity …
Who was the first person to smoke weed?
Well, there are other ways to use bud than smoking it. There’s no reason that it’s first use was through smoking. However, people have been smoking things forever. Throwing a bunch of a plant on a campfire and realizing you like the aroma (…
What really happens if a person smokes weed?
It can be good or bad, either way its an out of body experience. It’s sorta like being drunk but not. You may not get high your first time, but when you get high, you’ll kno. you could get really hyper and excited, but most of the time it m…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much weed has one person smoked in one sitting?
Q: I’ve only heard of 1/2 ounce being smoked this the most???
A: Usually people just smoke until they are high. Anything after that is just stupid and a waste.
Is it a way to passing a hair analysis drug screen that will help a person that smoked weed 2 months before?
Q: My husband’s job is being bought out by another company and one of his friends was smoking weed around Thanksgiving. And he is worried, he will not pass the hair analysis drug screen. I heard that there is a shampoo that you wash your hair with before you take the test. Is this true or not? If so where do you get this stuff? If not, what can he do to pass the test and keep his job?
A: CHIPPY need to quit smokin!!! LOLGimmie 10 points! They answers aint make sense no way. And ol’ girl dumb as hell how u gonna walk in the office smelling like BLEACH!!
When a person smoked weed.. do they say and do what is on there minds?
Q: like do you say what you really think and stuff?
A: Not really..You say random crap.Like rainbow magnifying glassandPurple Donkeys It might be whats on their mind but I don’t think doctors are going to catch any high teens to figure out whats really going on in there.<2
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