Who invented cigerettes

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse History .We found some answers as below for this question “Who invented cigerettes”,you can compare them.

In 1852 the cigarette was invented by an Egyptian artilleryman during the siege of Acre. You have yourself a great day! ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-invented-cigerettes ]
More Answers to “Who invented cigerettes
World’s first rolled cigarette! In 1743 an English begger by the name of Horrey Thornfield propositioned a local butcher for some scraps. After enjoying the scarps, Horrey decided to have a smoke, yet discovered that his previous nights’ dr…
The cigarette was the last method of taking tobacco to be developed. Previously it had been smoked in pipes and cigars, inhaled as snuff (in powder form) and chewed. Tobacco itself was brought to Europe and the rest of the world when Columb…
Use of tobacco can be traced back centuries. Native Americans were using it as were other cultures. It would be nearly impossible to figure out who was the first person to actually smoke tobacco. However, in 1492 Christopher Columbus sent t…

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I have invented a foodstuff that produces 69 cancer causing chemicals, can i sell it?
Q: With the government advertising over Christmas that they know cigerettes produce 69 cancer causing chemicals why on earth have they not banned it instantly ?Is this institutional murder ?I would not be allowed to introduce a new breakfast food to my B&B menu that immitted 69 cancer causing chemicals, is this double standards ?If i invented a toaster that could kill you in 69 different ways would i be allowed to sell it ?Perhaps the TAX smokescreen is clouding thier judgement…….By the way, this is not a judgment on pro or anti smoking, i believe in voluntary euthanasia so its up to you, but it is a judgment on hypocrisy
A: Too true blue……..it’s all about tax……..but watch out for some thing else to be taxed when the f@g sale’s diminish.
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