5 Tips for Buying a Wedding Ring

To make buying your wedding ring, also referred to as a wedding band, as smooth an operation as possible, simply use these 5 easy tips.

1. Do NOT wait until the last minute.
With so much going on before a wedding, it is easy to let simple errands fall through the cracks. Do not make more stress for yourself by putting off this important step! Allow time to have a band custom made or ordered from out of stock. Try to go 2 months before the big day, and, if possible, leave no less than three weeks. You can get married without 400 goody bags- you can’t get married without rings!

2. Go to your jewelry store as a couple.
Buying wedding bands is a memorable part of the wedding preparation experience. While it may seem like a hassle, just another thing on the list a mile long, if you make the time to enjoy it, you will truly treasure the experience for the rest of your life.
If you do not know where to go to buy your rings, please refer to my article Tips for Choosing a Jeweler. Most importantly, stay away from big chains and only do business with someone you trust!

3. Get your fingers sized.
While the lady usually has an idea of what size her band will need to be, most men are not used to wearing rings.
Keep the weather in mind. If you are buying rings in the summer, your hands will be swollen and you want the band to feel a little tighter. If you are buying rings in the winter, they should be on the looser side. Not so loose that they slip off your fingers, but loose enough that they won’t cut off circulation in the summer. Getting sized properly the first time around will prevent frustration and hassle later. Not all rings can be re-sized if they are the wrong size, and ring that is too big might slip off and be lost forever, leaving you out money and out of a band.
If you have large knuckles or have trouble getting the right size for all seasons, talk to your jeweler about using a ring guard.

4. Know your budget.
If you go to the right kind of jewelry store, you will be helped no matter what your budget, so make things easier on yourself. Know how much you want to spend, how much you can spend, and try to have a rough idea on what to expect in terms of cost.
Some jewelry strores offer financing, others allow you to make a series of deposits before picking the rings up. Before getting your hearts set on something you can’t afford, see what kind of options you have.
Did you know: Traditionally the lady buys the gentleman’s ring and the gentleman buys the lady’s.

5. Know your metals.
These days there is more than just gold in a jewelry store these day, especially for wedding bands. Every metal has its advantages and disadvantages, which I explain briefly here:


Does not wear down over time like gold because it is so strong. Hypoallergenic: even people allergic to most metals can wear platinum without a problem. Re-sizable. Downside is that it is heavy and expensive; however, in terms of quality, platinum is definitely worth every penny if you can afford it. Can be cut off.

GoldThe traditional precious metal. White gold will need to be replated every few years to keep its shine and sparkle, but it tends to show diamonds better. Less expensive than platinum. Lighter than platinum. Re-sizable. Can be cut off.

Tungsten CarbideVery inexpensive, ~ $150 – 250 Very hard and scratch resistant and easily removable in case of an emergency. (It is a very brittle metal, so it is cracked off rather than cut off). Cannot be re-sized. Darker color.

TitaniumVery lightweight (what airplanes are made out of). Very inexpensive, ~ $150 – 250. Lighter color. Hard to bend. Requires special tools to be cut off in an emergency. Cannot be re-sized. Not as scratch resistant.

Cobalt ChromeMore scratch resistant than titanium. Color like platinum. Very inexpensive ~ $150 – 250. Hypoallergenic. Hard to bend out of round. Requires special tools to be cut off in an emergency.
Cannot be re-sized.

There is a wedding band for everyone, it just takes a little bit time of time to figure out what you need. Most of the time, you will have a “Cinderella” moment, when you slip the ring on your finger and it just feels right.

Good luck finding the wedding ring that is perfect for you!

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