6 Last Minute Costume Ideas for Kids

Need a last minute costume idea? Before you get panicky, take a breath, and relax because we have 6 simple costume ideas that you can make at home at the last minute.

Quarterback. Time required: 30 minutes or less.
Go online and find a photocopy of a large quarter or make a photocopy and enlarge it. Cut out a piece of cardboard to match the size of the photocopy of the quarter and glue the photocopy to the cardboard. Attach it to your child’s back with loops of duct tape.

Spa Princess. Time required: 1 hour
Get a bathrobe, hand towel, eye mask, safety pin, green face paint, gift bag, comb, hand-held mirror, and slippers. Have your child wear the bathrobe. Wrap her hair in the hand towel and secure it with the safety pin. Put the eye mask on her head over the towel. Then paint her face with the green face paint while avoiding her eyes and mouth to give the facial mask effect. Have her wear slippers on her feet. Give her the comb, handheld mirror and gift bag to carry for the full effect.

Time required: 1 hour
This is a great last-minute costume idea for little kids. All you need is a wagon, overalls, plaid shirt, work boots, straw hat, bandana, orange face paint, stuffed animals and hay. Have your child where the overalls, plaid shirt, work boots, and straw hat. Tie a bandana around the hat and add freckles with the orange face paint. Add hay to the wagon and place the stuffed animals in the wagon. Finally, let the child ride the wagon with the stuffed animals. You can also give her a tin bucket to collect candy in for the full “farmer” effect.

Roadtrip. Time required: 1 hour
Materials needed include a gray sweatsuit, toy cars, white craft foam, adhesive-backed velcro, markers and yellow electrical tape. Line your child’s sweat suit with short pieces of electrical tape so that it appears like road lanes. Put the adhesive-backed velcro on the underside of the toy cars and stick the pieces to the sweat shirt and pants. Then, on a sheet of paper draw and color the sign to of your local interstate. Attach the sign to the outfit with velcro.

Smartie Pants. Time required: 30 minutes or less.
For this quick and easy costume all you need are rolls of smarties candy, packing tape, and a pair of pants. To make the costume, simply attach the rolls of smarties to your child’s pants using the packing tape.

Black-Eyed Peas.
Time required: 30 minutes or less.
This costume you can put together in a snap. All you need is black face paint. Draw the letter “P” around each of your child’s eyes. Whenever he or she is asked who they are, they can simply answer that they are either the southern vegetable or the popular musical group.

Last Minute Halloween Costumes

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