9 Anti-Aging Foods

Want to look younger and feel great? Try to keep your calorie consumption down as well as your saturated food intake. Eat plenty of whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and cut down on salt and sugar. In addition to those guidelines, here are 10 specific foods you should eat that may prevent aging:

1. Avocado: This is a fruit, which is normally eaten as a vegetable. Avocados have a good source of monounsaturated fat that can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in your body. It is also a good source of Vitamin E which helps to maintain healthy skin and prevent your skin from aging. Avocados are also rich in potassium which can help prevent high blood pressure and fluid retention.

2. Garlic: Want to prevent your body against cancer and heart disease? Eat a clove of garlic a day. Garlic is associated with cholesterol reduction and thinning of the blood, both which help prevent heart disease. One study in Iowa showed that women who took garlic daily were 50% less likely to have colon cancer.

3. Blueberries and Blackberries: Blueberries and blackberries contain phytochemicals, which protect the body against all the free radicals associated with aging.

4. Nuts: Most nuts are good sources of minerals. Walnuts are rich in potassium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, and magnesium. Adding nuts to your diet can help your immune and digestive systems, control or prevent cancer, and improve your skin.

5. Ginger: This spicy root is known to boost your circulatory and digestives systems. It has also helped alleviate rheumatic aches and pains.

6. Whole Meal Pasta and Rice: Complex carbohydrates should make up the bulk of your diet because they provide a consistent supply of energy through the day. It is high in fiber and contains a lot of iron. Brown rice is also recommended which is high in B vitamins and fiber.

7. Soy: Helps maintain estrogen levels in menopausal women. Also protects against osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease. Do not confuse with soya salt, which is high in salt and should be used sparingly.

8. Watermelon: The seeds and flesh of watermelon are nutritious so try blending them upWant to look younger and feel great? Try to keep your calorie consumption down as well as your saturated food intake. Eat plenty of whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and cut down on salt and sugar. In addition to those guidelines, here are 10 specific foods you should eat that may prevent aging:

1. Avocado: This is a fruit, which is normally eaten as a vegetable. Avocados have a good source of monounsaturated fat that can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in your body. It is also a good source of Vitamin E which helps to maintain healthy skin and prevent your skin from aging. Avocados are also rich in potassium which can help prevent high blood pressure and fluid retention.

2. Garlic: Want to prevent your body against cancer and heart disease? Eat a clove of garlic a day. Garlic is associated with cholesterol reduction and thinning of the blood, both which help prevent heart disease. One study in Iowa showed that women who took garlic daily were 50 percent less likely to have colon cancer.

3. Blueberries and Blackberries: Blueberries and blackberries contain phytochemicals, which protect the body against all the free radicals associated with aging.

4. Nuts: Most nuts are good sources of minerals. Walnuts are rich in potassium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium and magnesium. Adding nuts to your diet can help your immune and digestive systems, control or prevent cancer, and improve your skin.

5. Ginger: This spicy root is known to boost your circulatory and digestives systems. It has also helped alleviate rheumatic aches and pains.

6. Whole Meal Pasta and Rice: Complex carbohydrates should make up the bulk of your diet because they provide a consistent supply of energy through the day. It is high in fiber and contains a lot of iron. Brown rice is also recommended which is high in B vitamins and fiber.

7. Soy: Helps maintain estrogen levels in menopausal women. Also protects against osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease. Do not confuse with soya salt, which is high in salt and should be used sparingly.

8. Watermelon: The seeds and flesh of watermelon are nutritious so try blending them up in a food processor and drink as a juice. The flesh contains vitamins B, A and C. Seeds contain selenium, essential fats, vitamin E and zinc, which help fight aging and free radicals.

9. Cruciferous Vegetables: This family of vegetables includes broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, radish, watercress and Brussels sprouts. These vegetables fight against toxins and cancer. Try to consume some of these vegetables daily, make sure to cook them lightly so the good enzymes in them remain intact. in a food processor and drink as a juice. The flesh contains vitamins B, A, and C. Seeds contain selenium, essential fats, vitamin E, and zinc, which help fight aging and free radicals.

9. Cruciferous Vegetables: This family of vegetables includes broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, radish, watercress, and Brussels sprouts. These vegetables fight against toxins and cancer. Try to consume some of these vegetables daily, make sure to cook them lightly so the good enzymes in them remain intact.

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