9/11 Poem Demonstrates Value of Human Life

This outstanding poem was written by one the finest writers in Northeastern Pennsylvania. It is a pleasure to share it with the rest of the nation.

The 9/11 Poem

Once upon a September’s day,

The world went dark as Dante’s hell;

Earth’s orbit shook and time, itself,

Unwound as night, at midday, fell.

Swells of smoke spewed the ashen air,

Galloping like a beast a-prowl;

Devouring dreams in the dust,

Unleashed upon a path most foul.

Flash and flame assailed the sky;

Cinder and soot profaned the sod.

Brave men and true confronted fear

Like wingless messengers of God.

They climbed in tribute to their own,

Heedless of the fires of hate;

Till they, at last, their duty done,

Laid down their lives at Heaven’s Gate.

Amid the ruin flies the flag,

Unfettered by the evil hand;

The hues of hope and liberty,

Fair emblem of our native land;

Whose only sovereign is our God,

The Lord of Life, Himself, who reigns

In noble deeds and sacrifice;

Beyond the grasp of tyrants’ chains.

United sons and daughters stand

Against the storm, steadfast as stars;

Secured by freedom’s fond embrace,

Sans barriers or bolts or bars.

Heroes all, may they ever know

A grateful nation’s prayerful dole;

As into the hallowed Halls of

Heaven and History they roll.

Their souls forever pledged as one

In Freedom’s proud fraternity;

They live once more where angels soar:

The Towers of Eternity.

Mary Lynch


Source: The Citizens’ Voice, Letters to the Editor, August 30, 2011.

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