Abuse at Tobyhanna Army Depot – Federal Aviation Administration – PASS UNION, Congressman Rep. Charlie Dent

Recently I contacted these four offices asking for help. I was under the impression that since all serving officers of the United States Army took an oath of office that basically states they will follow the laws of The United States of America. Equal Opportunity is the law. I feel I got a brush off from these serving officers. The most I got from Colonel Gibson was a three minute telephone call asking me in a loud yelling voice, “ARE YOU THREATENING ME?” My answer: “No.” I was under the impression that my statement would have been taken down in writing and maybe a voice or video recording made. I was hoping for the truth to come out finally after all these years.

All three men are serving field grade, and general grade officers are extremely well educated and should have been able to see the abuse taken. All have taken a blind look and refused to help. I feel each of these three individuals should be removed from the United States Army at once. All pensions and benefits forfeited. I feel they never lived up to the oath of office in which they took in order to get their commission from The United States Congress.

This is only my opinion.

Tobyhanna Army Depot
Office of the Post Commander
Colonel Charles C. Gibson
11 Hap Arnold Blvd.
Tobyhanna, PA 18466-5077

CECOM LCMC Commanding General
Major General Randolph P. Strong
Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5000

Lieutenant General David H. Huntoon, Jr.
Deadra K. Ghostlaw
Assistant Secretary of the General Staff
U.S. Military Academy, West Point
West Point, NY 10996

I found out about this Congressional office recently. I sent Ms. Noelle Turbitt numerous statements describing the abuse I witnessed while employed in The United States Civil Service Commission. I started to trust her and beleive in her. Today I called the number given on the web page for the office here. I was told by a Ms. Alexa M. Armstrong, that she does not think The Committee on Oversight & Government Reform will do anything for me, since my case is so insignificant! Yet I am a veteran, that tried to save The United States Civil Service money. I want to hear from other veterans or Government Civil Service employes that have been mistreated. I understand It happens at other bases, Army, Navy, Air Force. Texarkana Army Depot for one example.

Committee on Oversight & Government Reform
Ms. Noelle Turbitt
Congress of the United States
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

I want everyone that reads this article to know that I have contacted U.S. Congressman Rep. Charlie Dent (PA-15), My voice in Washington DC, on numerous occasions. So far Congressman Charlie Dent has done nothing to help me with this injustice I describe here. He is my voice in Washington DC. I feel he is of little use to me and the people of the Lehigh Valley. This is only my opinion. If he refuses to help me with this act of discrimination – what other acts has he refused to help the people of the Lehigh Valley with?

I was told by the above office to contact Congressman Charlie Dent. He is my voice in Washington. This was 13 June 2012. I had written Congressman Dent years ago. What I see, every government agency points to another government agency. The two people I have been conversing with Matt and Jason told me long ago, they will not help me!

I contacted President Obama in writing and via the presidential web page. I tried to explain my situation. No answer. I contacted Madam First Lady Michelle Obama on her web page. No answer. I was hoping one or two telephone calls, maybe two or three letters would have solved this problem once and for all. I gave the United States Army and the United States Civil Service eighteen years of my life, certainly one or two hours is not too much to ask for in return. I am only trying to save the United States of America allot of money!
I understand if President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama cannot help me at that time, someone in an appointed position could help me. So far, nothing.

It is important that it is understood that I am an honorably discharged veteran. During my tenure at Tobyhanna Army Depot my work environment was a such: I had to endure paper airplanes being thrown around the shop, my desk was turned over, my computer magnetic tapes were pulled out and draped on light fixtures and on the floor (all 700 feet). the lock on my tool box glued shut with crazy glue) My work was smashed in the clean room. To keep this from repeatedly happening I locked my work up in my boss’s office. Then the boss realized what I was doing and told me it was best to leave my work outside so it could be destroyed in order to slow me down. My boss did nothing to stop these abuses. I found a bloody Kotex in my coffee mug. My Boss Dave Decker informed me that “He was ordered to “Embarrass me.” This was only a small portion of the abuse I had to endure when employed at TYAD.

I was told I was never going to see the Higher Wage Grade promotions simply because when a boss got into a power position, it was assumed he would promote his buddies. I was then, told since I was not part of the “Buddy System” – I would never be promoted. This was told to me by the union vice president and my Wage Grade leader.

Strangers walked up to me and say “Are you BATTLEWEARY? You’re the one that should have gotten the promotion, but we were told by personnel – It had to go to the person that had been here longer. – If you say anything, I will deny it.” This happened many, many times. I was told that it simply was unfair to the person that had been there for ten to fifteen years to have a person come in the Depot and be promoted in such a rapid manor WG5, WG8, WG10, WG 11.

I want this agency to know that I was offered a position with the Royal Saudi Air Force using skills I acquired in the United States Army. I worked at the Depot Maintenance Shop at Ft Benning and US Army. I did the work of a Wage Grade 11 at the Post Radio Depot Repair Shop under the jump towers at Fort Benning GA. If a foreign country recognizes my abilities, why does not my own Civil Service Commission? If I can work on live weapon systems for a foreign nation, why can’t I work at TYAD? I have paperwork and documents to support everything I have told you.

It is my belief that placement at Tobyhanna Army Depot is flawed and set up for incompetence. Why do I make this claim? Anyone can put anything down on paper – and to the best of my knowledge – nothing is checked. I personally knew people who bragged about doing that exact same thing when I was at TYAD. If testing is required to insure the skies over the United States of America is safe, (FAA GS7 9/0856) then why is there no testing to insure the safety and security of the United States of America and the United States Army?

When I was in the Army, I wanted to take the exams for Warrant Officer in the field of telecommunications. The day of the exam my first sergeant told me the date had been switched. That turned out not to be true. As a result I missed out on that examined. When I tried to get an explanation I was told face to face, “Do you think the first sergeant would put himself in a position where he has to salute you?” When Raytheon offered the position in Saudi Arabia I was told flat out I would be receiving telephone calls day and night. This occurred. I got approximately twenty five calls from engineers and lead technicians quizzing me on all areas of electronics. In the end I was told “Very few people ever got this far in the hiring process and that I was for real”. When I got the call from the Royal Saudi Air Force at 3:30 am I was totally shocked to find they were interested in me because I worked at TYAD. They were interested in the training I received from said employment. My position is – so should TYAD and the United States Army. I contacted the recent Commander at TYAD – I feel his response was well intentioned. I have since asked for a meeting to describe my difficulties with the parties involved. So far this has not occurred. Every Agency that is connected to Veterans Affairs has refused to help me. If this agency cannot help me, please can you direct me to someone that can? Thank you for your time and consideration. I have enclosed the following addresses for your service. To the best of my understanding, the problem lays with Aberdeen Proving Ground. They have only submitted my name approximately four times to Tobyhanna Army Depot, even though I was qualified for many, many more positions. I am asking for a complete review of how the placements were made. A complete investigation of all candidates placed since 2000.

I entered Tobyhanna Army Depot as a WG 5 sheet metal worker, I was not qualified for this job, but that was what I was rated. Then began the teasing and harassment.

I am working in the newly built clean room. Wage Grade 8. I am rebuilding, overhaul and return to service as prescribed (IAW – In Accordance With) directions given to me by my boss Mr. Rich Petcavage. This person mildly upset comes up to me “BATTLEWEARY?” I answer “Yes I am BATTLEWEARY.” This gentleman has a clip board that looks official. “BATTLEWEARY I surveyed this job four months ago, you should be doing four modules a week, YOU ARE NOT doing that! I got to find out why!!!!” I invite person to sit next to me. He watches me for several days. At the end of that time frame, He tells me “OK BATTLEWEARY you are doing 300 a week! You just raised the standard for the depot! From now on, anyone that does this job after you MUST do 300 a week!” I am working, repairing as outlined above. Rich Petcavage walks up to me “BATTLEWEARY where are all those modules ready for metal reclamation?” I reply “Rich I fixed them” Rich replies “BATTLEWEARY! there were at least 1000 modules in boxes over there!!!!! I need 1000 modules! it’s on paperwork – I NEED to junk 1000 modules!”

TYAD send junk modules to have precious metals reclaimed. Brass, bronze, gold alloy. I tell boss “Rich I sold them to the United States Army. They may still be on the loading dock – go get them if you want to junk them!” He walks away. Work was being smashed – destroyed. Anything to slow me down. WG 11 positions came down. I was trying to obtain one of these since I worked at the post depot repair shop, Fort Benning GA, I was familiar with a lot of the hardware already. (DF on file) I was told I was never going to see the higher Wage Grade promotions simply because when a boss got into a power position, it was assumed he would promote his buddies. I was then, told since I was not part of the “Buddy System” – I would never be promoted. This was told to me by the union vice president and my wage grade leader, when I was a WG5 first hired.

Strangers walked up to me and say “BATTLEWEARY? you’re the one that should have gotten the promotion, but we were told by personnel – It had to go to the person that had been here longer. – If you say anything, I will deny it.” This happened many many times. It simply was unfair to the person that had been here for ten fifteen years – than to have a person come in the Depot and be promoted in such a rapid manor WG5 WG8 WG10 WG 11.

I go before the panel board members that rated me and denied me the Wage Grade 11. They explain to me, my background in electronics was lacking. I then ask each member pointed questions about the equipment I would have fixed in that shop. They are highly embarrassed. At Ft Benning, I worked with all ham radio operators that taught me how to fix and repair a wide variety of military hardware. (we talked in Morse code over the fans at Ft Benning.) The people rating me did not have the education or training to rate me. I ask more pointed questions – ask to draw from memory block diagrams. Then simple stuff like common transistor circuits, vacuum tube parameters, common matching circuits used in transistor and tube configurations. Now they are yelling at me, one even jumps over the table and comes after me with pointed fingers. The meeting with the board ends. One week later, I ask to see the board members again. They see me, but are mad “OK BATTLEWEARY! WHY DO YOU WANT TO SEE US! YOU HAVE OUR ANSWER. I reply, “I have written letters to President Jimmy Carter, Secretary of the Army, Defense and several four star generals. I am asking for you all to be fired. Fired for incompetence and discrimination. Now they are yelling at me.

These people were promoted by the buddy system. Not ability or merit. It is like a doctor or surgeon operating but never took a class in human anatomy. Not qualified. I am in the clean room, working for Mr. Rich Petcavage. My work has been smashes and destroyed several times to slow me down. I hear of a job programming computers, but a type of programming I feel would be fun. I speak to a Mr. John Ruggerio – one of the supervisors Automated Systems Division. John and I talk. I explain my two year degree and the classes I had taken at the community college. John exclaims, “BATTLEWEARY you are the only one with any formal training in any high level language – you will be hearing from us. He shows me around the computers and his area. I feel I am in heaven. No more work smashed or kids and I mean kids putting kipper herring, tuna or sardine cans behind my tool box.

The first week goes by, people are getting picked that I knew and did not have the background I had. The second week goes by and I am being teased that I did not get placed. The third week goes by and more people placed. I am being teased and jested. Finally I ask my boss to make an appointment to speak to Mr. John Ruggiero. I ask John to his face “Why was I not picked and others were?” He replies “Well BATTLEWEARY we felt you could not handle the job – I am sorry” I then give John letters going to all areas of the Federal Government describing what I believe to be favoritism and unfair placement, hiring. I tell John Ruggiero: “John last month you told me to my face I was the only one with any kind of formal training in hi level programming and I was the only person with a degree in electronics. You picked all your friends. I am going to mail these letters and hopefully your kind will be fired. He exclaims red-faced “BATTLEWEARY I made a mistake!” I reply “Yes you did John and you will be fired for it, I will mail these letters tonight on the way out of the depot at the post office.”

I walk back to my work bench in the clean room – my boss finds me and I have a phone call. “BATTLEWEARY this is John Ruggiero report immediately to ASD” So I cleaned up my work bench and left.

I am now inside the Automated Systems Divisions. I am working for a Mr. Ed Syrylo. (I can’t remember how to spell his name.) Time passes, I am flow charting a program written earlier by an engineer. This person calls me in. I get a poor notice of evaluation. I am shocked! I am working, people are talking about hunting fishing, baseball games, sports. Endless horse play going on. On the back of the evaluation, I list the reasons he should be fired. What training did he have to be a supervisor, where did he attend a college get degrees in business or management. Boss should keep horse play to a minimum. Reduce laughter. No one can work with sheet metal stamping machines pounding all day. I urge him to take classes in business and management so he can learn to control the kids working for him.

He explodes red faced. In about one hour he calls me back in – evaluation changed to a more favorable one. I am working at the Automated Systems Division. I am writing cable harness programs to test cable pairs. This is what Raytheon wanted. Gene Boyle was also a Ham. A good friend. Gene taught me EVERYTHING needed to build models of cables and test via a computer. He told me, “BATTLEWEARY I am going to make this easy for you. When I came here, They gave me cables to program, no instruction, then find fault and write you up for being stupid. After Gene Boyle taught me, I took off like a rocket, Dave Decker my boss would give me 160 hours to do a simple cable, I had it done before lunch. Two or three hours max!!! I gave back 160 – 3 hrs!!! Dave Decker was highly upset!!! “SLOW DOWN! NOT EVERYONE HERE WORKS like you do!!”

At times, I went to work – I found my magnetic tapes pulled and draped on the fluorescent light fixtures, or pulled out on the floor – anything to slow me down. My desk knocked over, or glued shut with crazy glue. Same with my tool box in the clean room.

In the morning comes the cross word puzzles. Endless talks about hunting, fishing, baseball games. Work has not begun yet. I learned NEVER bother the boss or other workers, when they are talking about how to pull a truck out of a ditch using an electric winch. If you ask Dave Decker a question about work when he is talking about bow and arrow hunting, “BATTLEWEARY! CANT YOU SEE I’M BUSY RIGHT NOW!” – I walk away. Ask an engineer they may know. I wrote letters on my Commodore 64, I try to get quiet and stop horse play. It got so bad, Colonel Larry Batchler came down to my shop and caught Dave Decker jumping off desk demonstrating skiing. Dave looks up there is a full bird Colonel looking down at Dave. Dave vanishes for 3 or 4 hours. When he gets back, he walks up to me six to ten inches from my face and shouts “BATTLEWEARY! if you ever write another letter, I promise, YOU and I will talk man to man out in the parking lot!! That is not a threat! that is a promise!” I tell Dave “Dave I want to see the provost.” Dave saids “WHY?” I tell him, “Dave you just threatened my life and I want to file a complaint.” I am on my way to see the provost. I get a few feet out of the work area, four people from MER – Management Employees Relations not only stop me, they block my way. They start talking, “BATTLEWEARY you misunderstood!! your boss would never make a threat to you! Your boss could be fired for that! HA HA laughter of embarrassment. They are trying hard to talk me out from seeing the provost. “Hey buddy, we are going to forget this!!! aren’t we!!! – now go home and forget it – I’ll will put you in for vacation, you take a few days off, you are working too hard.”

Gene Boyle and myself are ringing out cable pairs with a doorbell. We did this manually to ensure the cable interfaces were built right. This process was called “Ring out” It was known that cable interfaces and cables might have a fault. (do it first – then computer). Meanwhile all day long sheet metal pounding. Sheet metal shop about 30 feet from my desk banging out sheet metal parts. All day long, rapid sequences of stamping. Bang bang bang (letter S Morse code) or H …. or number 5 ….. (I did file a complaint with the Inspector General TYAD and OSHA)

Joe Murdock Chief of ASD called me in. Giant table. All the supervisors are there. He told me, and what I took as a threat “BATTLEWEARY you will regret this day.” I told Joe, I only wanted to work and be left alone. No one should have to work with endless horse play, sheet metal stamping machines close by. Sheet metal shop since then – has been moved.

Gene Boyle fellow ham radio operator retired. TYAD gave Gene his GS9/856 just so he could retire as a GS 9. He was GS 7/0856 for many many years. Gene Boyle was a veteran and also had a two year degree. But in the 1950s it was called “Trade School” – not “Associate Degree.” I am calling for a complete investigation into all the discriminative practices TYAD did for 30 40 50 years.

Dave Decker sitting on corner of my desk talking about something. (I know what he was talking about. In private industry it would have gotten him fired!! I will say the chat belonged in a bar room, or with the guy’s chatting outside the depot.) I ask, “Dave – would you please take that chat else ware, I can’t hear the bell ringer Gene and I are testing right now.” Dave replies “BATTLEWEARY, are you going to bring that up again.” Now, FYI I did not make that bell ringer, it was given to me.

We had nasty thunderstorms in the summertime at TYAD. Computers crash, lights go out for hours. I happen to get several large magnetic tapes from the local community college when I was taking computer programming classes in DOS Fortran IV and DOS Cobol. I also took a machine code. The tapes did not work on the IBM 360 computer located at Northampton County Area Community College – but did work on the HP 1000 – located inside the Automated Systems Division. Different format computers talked to the tape drives. Just before each thunderstorm, I backed up everything located on the disk drives I had access to. After the storm passes nothing worked. Dave Decker would come up to me, “BATTLEWEARY did you back up the disk drives?” (He knew I did – I did all the time.) “Battleweary can I please have the tapes you used to back up the teams’ disk space?” I tell Dave, “Dave I really don’t know what I got, I am busy right now, I am trying to get this program out the door, I will look tomorrow.” Wait a minute, I am back up on the computers, NO ONE else is!!! How can that be? How can BATTLEWEARY be working when all disk space is lost? Dave comes to me one or two hours later, “BATTLEWEARY do you have the tapes? the whole team is down!” This happened many times. Sometime I gave him the tapes (My own tapes) – other time, I simply installed the programs and nothing else said. I always gave him the labels and the tapes so he knew what was on the tapes from the community college.

Time goes by at The Automated Systems Division. We all filled out a “Weekly Activity Report” This was to keep bosses informed about progress with a project. Dave calls me in. He informs me he has to write me up for not filling out a Weekly Activity Report. He explains to me this was required and I was not “Cooperating with procedures.” I tell Dave to look at his computer and read his email. He logs in and finds several weeks of unread emails from me. Dave is red faced – I walk away. The engineers set up a WAR.com batch file on the computer which I thought was now in use. Writing a person up was standard. It was used to keep a person down, to embarrass a person. Make a boss look good.

Time inside The Automated Systems Division, my name label for my desk BATTLEWEARY is defaced. I give my two weeks’ notice to TYAD. I have a firm offer from the FAA Williamsport, PA. I look around see what everyone is doing. (Paper airplanes, hunting, fishing, baseball, sports chat, crossword puzzles.) I get the documentation and cables for all the programmers in the shop. I go to Quality Assurance, hint what I want.

They go along with me. No corners cut.

At the end of two weeks’ time, I walk into bosses desk, pushing and pulling two carts and all the documentation completed, Dave Decker drops his Playboy magazine, it falls under the desk, I pick it up, and give to him. Quality Assurance also pushing pulling two carts with programs. I start to read off work order numbers. Dave is flabbergasted. “BATTLEWEARY! – Do you realize what you did? You just did all the work for the whole team, for the whole quarter, and you did it in 2 weeks time – How am I going to explain this to the people across the street.” TYAD had people study time – and allot time and money. (I saved the Depot lots and lots of money.) I was told several times that money must be spent and wasted. The only way for the depot to get money is to go over budget and spend a little more. This would ensure more money for the following year.

I am now leaving TYAD. Dave Decker comes to me, “BATTLEWEARY, you cannot leave the depot, you must sigh out, if you do not, it will mess up your time spent with the Federal Government. Battleweary, I must tell you something, I was ORDERED to embarrass you.” I walk across the street to personal. I speak to a Janet Labarr. She greets me “Aw BATTLEWEARY, you are going on to bigger and better things.” She hands me a letter – or document – it is a very uncomplimentary finding fault with time spent at Tobyhanna Army Depot. I read half of letter, then she rips letter from my hands – puts in my personnel document older – ready to go to FAA.

The people from Quality Assurance (Inspectors that checked my work) – told me they were ordered to fail my work so TYAD could fire me. They refused. Engineers were told to find fault with me. Everyone refused. I found out later that many people stood up to TYAD, in my defense.

Summer – fall of 2004, I get a job working at TYAD. Lockheed Martin. Things had changed – same but ifferent. I come out of the restroom, I WALK RIGHT into Dave Decker. I never recognized him. He exclaims “BATTLEWEARY!” I reply “Who are you” then I see the badge. “BATTLEWEARY I am your old boss!” The first thing I said and I don’t know why I said it, “Dave who put the Kotex in my coffee mug years ago?” He walked away. Another person, mocking my name. I remembered the voice not the face – he exclaims to me “BATTLEWEARY don’t you remember me? I am John!” All thru my time with the United States Civil Service. I was teased. I never teased anyone.

What I am telling your office is only the tip of the ice berg, there is so much much more abuse I took at TYAD. It is my firm belief that the raters at Aberdeen Proving Ground are not qualified to rate me. I do not give anyone in Personnel at Aberdeen Proving Ground or Tobyhanna Army Depot any credit for being qualified. I feel these people do not have the background or the expertise to judge me for a job. In private industry, people are tested. The tests for Raytheon both oral and paper were brutal. Same with the electricians trade. The entrance exams to Lucent was awful. The tests lasted several hours – most failed. Then the oral exams.

When I worked for the Federal Aviation Administration Allentown Tower and Williamsport, PA AFSS, I was tested both orally and through written exams. I was given many courses that I was required to complete with the understanding that if I did not complete the classes in a given time slot I would be dismissed. Problems were inserted into hardware which I was required to find and correct. I successfully completed those courses. In other areas of private industry, electrician’s union requires testing for certification to work as an industrial electrician. Promotion is based on checkout. The BAR Association tests lawyers before they are allowed to practice law. Same is true with doctors and nurses. Bethlehem Steel, all promotions were based on check out and written exams. This is normal. The United States Army has a training program for its officers at West Point and Officer Candidate School located at Ft Benning Georgia.

It is my belief that placement at Tobyhanna Army Depot is flawed and set up for incompetence. Why do I make this claim? Anyone can put anything down on paper – and to the best of my knowledge – nothing is checked. I personally knew people who bragged about doing that exact same thing when I was at TYAD.

Too Professional – I have a true story about waste, money wasted, told to slow down, I was working to fast. I have been fighting the United States Civil Service Commission for years.

Desk knocked over, used bloody Kotex in coffee mug, denied promotions, I was told promotions MUST go to the buddy system – which I was not part of. My work was sabotaged.

Anything to slow me down. Anything to destroy my self esteem, undermine my character. I was told to my face, “You were never wanted in the Civil Service Commission, You were to professional.” I never knew that being “to professional was an act of firing. I completed work VERY fast and had the Quality Stamps to prove it. I have written all over the Federal Government including President Obama.

I have contacted The United States Congress, The Senate, all the Supreme Court Justices of the United States. No one will help me. I thought I had finally found an office to assist me. The United States Office of Special Council. The lady attorney agreed with me, “A sanitary napkin in coffee mug is totally in appropriate.” Not one government agency will help me.

I am a degreed electronics technician, a licensed Ham radio operator, – an honorably discharged veteran. I worked for the United States Government, I was addicted to my work. I finished projects FAST in fractions of the time allotted. My reward was endless harassment. I saved the United States Civil Service hundreds of hours. Where I worked was endless apples, oranges, paper airplanes, horse play. Hunting fishing, football, sports come first, cross word puzzles.

I am trying to get someone to help me set up a web page to go after the Union that refused to help me. I got paperwork to prove I was fired illegally. All Unions are chartered by Congress, all Unions agreed to represent. I was told to my face, “Walk away, don’t pay your union dues. You did nothing wrong, you were not wanted in the Civil Service.”

My rights as an American – Life, Liberty, pursuit of happiness has been taken from me by jealous juveniles acting like kids – including bosses that could not or would not lead. My life was threatened on Government time. I have people, places, names, official log books to back up my complaint. All ignored.

The Union told me to “Walk away, don’t pay your union dues – I was simply to professional.” I feel at this time it is also age discrimination. It is easier to ignore the problem than fix it. A convict or rapist gets a trial by jury. My case was never in court.

I wish to bring this out for the American public to know what happens when a Federal Government employee worked too fast. I understand my story is not unique. It has happened to hundreds and maybe thousands of honest working government workers. I have paperwork to support and back up this statement. I am asking to assist me in releasing this to the public.

Another Statement – It is important that it is understood that I am an honorably discharged veteran. During my tenure at Tobyhanna Army Depot my work environment was a such: I had to endure paper airplanes being thrown around the shop, my desk was turned over, my computer magnetic tapes were pulled out and draped on light fixtures and on the floor (all 700 feet). My desk was knocked over, the lock on my tool box glued shut with crazy glue) My work was erased and smashed in the clean room. To keep this from repeatedly happening I locked my work up in my boss’ office. Then the boss realized what I was doing and told me it was best to leave my work outside so it could be destroyed in order to slow me down. My boss, Dave Decker, did nothing to stop these abuses. I found a bloody Kotex in my coffee mug. My Boss informed me that “He was ordered to “Embarrass me.”

This was only a small portion of the abuse I had to endure when employed at TYAD.

I was told I was never going to see the Higher Wage Grade promotions simply because when a boss got into a power position, it was assumed he would promote his buddies. I was then, told since I was not part of the “Buddy System” – I would never be promoted. This was told to me by the union vice president and my wage grade leader. Strangers walked up to me and say “Are you Battleweary? You’re the one that should have gotten the promotion, but we were told by personnel – It had to go to the person that had been here longer. – If you say anything, I will deny it.” This happened many, many times. I was told that it simply was unfair to the person that had been there for ten to fifteen years to have a person come in the Depot and be promoted in such a rapid manor WG5 WG8 WG10 WG 11.

I want this agency to know that I was offered a position with the Royal Saudi Air Force using skills I acquired in the United States Army. I worked at the Depot Maintenance Shop at Ft Benning and US Army. I did the work of a Wage Grade 11 at the Post Radio Depot Repair Shop under the jump towers at Fort Benning GA. If a foreign country recognizes my abilities, why does not my own Civil Service Commission? If I can work on live weapon systems for a foreign nation, why can’t I work at TYAD? I have paperwork and documents to support everything I have told you. It is my belief that placement at Tobyhanna Army Depot is flawed and set up for incompetence. Why do I make this claim? Anyone can put anything down on paper – and to the best of my knowledge – nothing is checked. I personally knew people who bragged about doing that exact same thing when I was at TYAD. If testing is required to insure the skies over the United States of America is safe, (FAA GS7 9/0856) then why is there no testing to insure the safety and security of the United States of America and the United States Army? When I was in the Army, I wanted to take the exams for Warrant Officer in the field of telecommunications. The day of the exam my first sergeant told me the date had been switched. That turned out not to be true. As a result I missed out on that examination. When I tried to get an explanation I was told face to face, “Do you think the first sergeant would put himself in a position where he has to salute you?” When Raytheon offered the position in Saudi Arabia I was told flat out I would be receiving telephone calls day and night. This occurred. I got approximately twenty five calls from engineers and lead technicians quizzing me on all areas of electronics. In the end I was told “Very few people ever got this far in the hiring process and that I was for real”. When I got the call from the Royal Saudi Air Force at 3:30 am I was totally shocked to find they were interested in me because I worked at TYAD. They were interested in the training I received from said employment. My position is – so should TYAD and the United States Army. I contacted the recent Commander at TYAD – I feel his response was well intentioned. I have since asked for a meeting to describe my difficulties with the parties involved. So far this has not occurred.

Every Agency that is connected to Veterans Affairs has refused to help me.

I have enclosed the following addresses for your service. To the best of my understanding, the problem lays with Aberdeen Proving Ground. They have only submitted my name approximately eighteen times to Tobyhanna Army Depot, even though I was qualified for many, many more positions. I am asking for a complete review of how the placements were made. A complete investigation of all candidates placed since 2000. I have enclosed two address for your benefit.

This Great Land – I wish to release this story to your talk show in order to tell the taxpayers of this great land, The United States of America, what I had to endure when I was employed by the United States Civil Service as a Wage Grade 8 , and GS 7/9 0856. I want you to know everything I have stated in the following pages are correct and true. I am prepared to offer papers and documents to prove everything I have stated.

I was removed from Civil Service simply because I worked too fast, showed up lots of bosses and co workers. I wish to remain anonymous on air. I ask that you do not use my real name in any broadcast. I have spent most of my life since my removal from the Civil Service, contacting the various agencies inside the Federal Government only to be turned down by every agency that is supposed to prevent illegal firing.

I would be honored to be on your talk radio show in order to help the American people to fully understand “Their tax dollars at work.” I never had a trial, or even a hearing, but was told to “Walk away – don’t pay your Union dues, you are too professional for the Civil Service.” I never knew being to “Professional” was an act of firing.

I was told I was never wanted in the Federal Civil Service – I worked too fast. Money had to be spent in order to get more the following year, even if it was wasted. It is my hope that your talk show can bring this information out to the public in a way that sounds crisp and truthful. My closest friends have assured me that people are never going to believe me and that I will look like a freak or nut case. No one talks about or should ever have to endure having used bloody sanitary devices put in their personal coffee mug, or have their work destroyed in order to show an employee so that time is wasted and money then forced to slow down. This limits productivity.

If I walked into a bank and stole money I would be in prison FAST! Yet where I worked for the United States Civil Service, it was routine to do crossword puzzles in the morning paper from 7:30 am. until 10 am, as well as endless horse play, joking around and pranks all through the day. Which is the same as stealing millions of dollars.

If I walked into your office and knocked over your desk, the same would happen. The United States Government did ZERO. My life was threatened on Government time.

Nothing was ever done. If an employee complained, he was fired. (Tax Dollars at work!) I found an article in the Sunday Parade Magazine titled “What happens to Government Whistle Blowers.” My case is a perfect example. I have met many other people formerly employed by the Federal Government – only to find themselves in the same position as me. When the Federal Civil Service Commission does not want an employee they will make life miserable for he or she. I was told by a hi level engineer, “I should never have worked so fast and showed up your coworkers. It is sad that in America, a person cannot work to a professional standard in Government Service.”

All urged me to tell the world, expose the truth. I can prove everything I have stated. I was told – most give up in frustration.

My brother was a government employee – working in Germany for the United States Army. I told him what had happened over the phone, he laughed at me, told me I would never get my job back, then admitted it was standard working procedure, that he had been directed to toss away any applications from an employee who had been fired for working in a professional manner. My brother bought his term papers and was almost expelled from college.

It is clear: When the Government does not want a person, they will harass, torment, discredit and ultimately have that person removed, no matter what the cost. My bosses told me they were ordered to “Embarrass me.” “Put into a position, where “I had to have you fired – you did nothing wrong.” Not even President’s Obama administration has answered my request for help. I am an honorably discharged – degreed electronics technician.

What I have stated is only the beginning. There is so much much more.

I met many other people on the internet chat sessions that have told me the United States Government is the largest discriminative employer in the world. They simply hide from the truth and set up laws to protect them from any repercussions.

I want to hear from others who have been forced from the Civil Service for working to a professional standard. Help me bring out the truth to the American public. I can travel to your studios where we could make a tape of my story and set up by your editors in a professional basis.

Employment in the Federal Aviation Administration. I left Tobyhanna Army Depot and the children that worked there for what I thought was a more favorable position with the FAA. I was told I would be a GS 12 in one year’s time. Chris Crawley, Supervisor Williamsport FSS, Helped me find an apartment. I spent one week in the FAA at Montoursville, PA – when out of now where, Chris Crawley called me in and demanded I resign. I told him I could not do that. I was hired for a new career. I signed a lease for a one year contract. This began years of minimum of training, ignoring me. I was constantly told to resign. Paperwork was forced in my face then told “SIGN IT.”

Joe Falzone – (One of the persons that teased me at Tobyhanna Army Depot) was Union Representative for PASS. Professional Airways Systems Specialists. Joe Falzone asked me how I got the job with the FAA. Joe contacted me numerous times told me to resign, take a medical discharge, that way I would get a pension. I refused, in my mind that was fraud, or untrue. I was perfectly healthy. Chris Crawley kept demanding I resign. I asked Chris “Why did you hire me, find an apartment for me, then one week later, – demand I leave the FAA.” He told me “Battleweary you were never wanted in the FAA. the person we really wanted was behind you on a stopper list., We had to hire off the list, in the order of the list and could not go around the list. Now resign!”

I was sent home to Allentown Tower. ABE Airport was ten minutes away. I could care for my mother who was in poor health.

Both Montoursville and Allentown Tower, I was ignored, denied training. I was condemned as being stupid, If I asked a senior radar technician any question in radar. Ken Conrad told repeatedly I did not have the brains I was “Stupid” The only problem with that statement, I was passing all required classes I was required to complete with excellent grades. Senior technicians told me I was stupid. I was left to sit at both places Montoursville and Allentown, while other novice technicians had full time senior technicians assigned full time.

Lead technician at Montoursville told me to my face, “I am not training you!, I am only a GS11. Teaching pay is GS12 and a 5% differential for training.” he was unkind, sarcastic. I was left to sit. There was no equal opportunity in the FAA or Tobyhanna Army Depot.

I was told after I was forced out of the FAA by union representative, “Battleweary, you were to professional, you did nothing wrong, You threw you job away when you started to fly. Don’t pay union dues, just walk away from this.” Transmitters at the remote site were sabotaged. I should have called the FBI, Airport Security, or State Police. I have the log books from Allentown Tower.

FAA and PASS – Enclosed statement from my mother’s girlfriend husband. Mr. Richard Hochella. Dick called Ken Conrad. Dick asked about work ethic. Ken Conrad replies as can be seen on the enclosed statement.

“The only problems we had were relating to technical functions and his working without proper supervision, We felt he was someone we could depend upon to do assigned tasks.”

Dick asked if I was incompetent and not able to train a new job. Dick told me Ken Conrad admitted he did not have the personnel to train me, and I could learn. I was fired because it was easier to fire me than find someone to teach me!

I was never supposed to work alone. My job description, clearly states “Works under the direct supervision of a senior technician.”
While I was out in Montoursville, PA and then ABE Airport, I worked most of the time by myself. The other novice technician was assigned a senior technician. Those two would leave in the morning and come back later in the day. I sat both places doing my required correspondence classes.

What little instruction I did get was laced with sarcastic comments and verbal abuse. Examples I have given you.

One week after I joined the FAA, Chris Crawley Supervisor – Williamsport Montoursville Airport/FSS, found an apartment for me, then demanded I resign. The pressure to resign the FAA lasted all thru the time spent at Williamsport FSS. I asked “Why was I offered a job in the FAA – only to be asked to leave one week later?” I was told “Battleweary your name came down on a stopper list, by law we had to hire you first. We had to hire off the list – in the order of the list – we could not go around the list. The person we really wanted was beneath you on the list. Now resign.”

Joe Falzone asked, demanded I take a medical retirement. “Battleweary take the medical retirement, you will have a pension.” I told Joe I was not unfit for work, it would be false to take that and wrong. I had no doctor’s note.

Joe Falzone PASS – told me “Not enough evidence, Battleweary let us handle this, go to your mother’s summer home, Battleweary – Bill Becker fired so many people in the past, he was sent to Harrisburg International Airport with the strictest orders to keep his mouth shut, now he fired you.”

Ken Conrad told me “Battleweary I was ordered to have you fired, you did nothing wrong.”

Warren Zentz told me “I was to professional, walk away don’t pay your union dues, I was never wanted in the FAA. Threw job away when I started flying. (I was passing my boss and co workers.)

Paul Kelly Williamsport FSS told me, “Battleweary I was ordered to stay out of the case – I will say that in a court of law.” He was the Union Stewart for the air traffic controllers and FSS.

I have enclosed the web page for your records. http://passnational.org/ With your help in exposing the truth, you can make this union look silly.

The truth will come out. I am asking that you get a court order and force PASS to post a statement that I write describing my removal on their web page just given. I also want a public apology. I want all medical dental bills paid. I want PASS and the Federal Government to pay for retraining. They took MY job and career from me.

Professional Aviation Safety Specialists
1150 17th Street N.W., Suite 702
Washington, D.C., 20036
Phone: 202-293-7277
Fax: 202-293-7727

If PASS forced a hearing or arbitration, it would have made their position stronger and exonerated the union. I have the pay stubs from Tobyhanna Army Depot and the FAA. I also have the membership stubs to prove I was a member of PASS. Most people go away and accept the fact of firing. I have not. Simply stated, PASS allowed the FAA to remove me.
I had to endure such comments often.

ATTENTION ALL UNION MEMBERS: PROFESSIONAL AIRWAYS SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS January, 1996: I have details of what, in my opinion, is Federal Aviation Administration (F.A.A.) mismanagement and misrepresentation of The Professional Airways System Specialists (P.A.S.S.) members by the union officials, based in Washington, D.C. Here are some details listed below that I am representing to support my opinion.

I was hired as a GS9 trainee to learn repair and maintenance of air traffic communications equipment for the F.A.A. Often during my training I had questions about my studies that were not answered by my coworkers or supervisor. However, I was pointed in the right direction by asking friends and associates outside the F.A.A. Also, during my time at this job I was continually being verbally harassed by a couple coworkers of mine. Some of this harassment was of sexual innuendo. I also made requests for assistance and/or special tools to do the jobs better. My ex-boss let me work alone which was contrary to my job description as a GS9 trainee. I now understand, that had there ever been an aircraft accident at The Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton Airport, and I was the last person to work on the hardware, my ex-boss could have been held accountable and punished. The reason I believe I was left to work alone was that my boss trusted me explicitly. I made many requests and/or complaints about the training, harassment, assistance with jobs and needed tools. My complaints were ignored by the F.A.A., so I chose to join P.A.S.S.. I became the only person in my group that was in a union. In February of `92, about a month after I joined P.A.S.S., I was given a written notice of unsatisfactory performance. It included a reference to a job normally done by two people that I was assigned to do alone. Sixteen days later I received notice of removal from my position based on the same job included in the previous warning. I selected P.A.S.S. to represent me. They investigated the case and I was called by Warren Zentz, the union vice president at that time. In that phone conversation, he said that there was insufficient reason to have me fired and that the F.A.A. simply did not want me! He told me to “walk away” from the case and quit the union. Then Mr. Zentz sent me letters stating that the union could not realistically go to arbitration for me. I have not walked away and I am continuing to pay my dues. The union refused to take the cased to arbitration. This was nearly four years ago.

Since the union failed to represent me by taking the case to arbitration, I asked, through my attorney, The Merit Systems Protection Board to hear the case. They ruled that they could not help me because I picked the union to represent me.

Choosing the union was not the only bad choice I made. My lawyer had been disbarred, even before he began to represent me. My attorney reassured me that he was working on my complaint with the union. He let time limits slip by for which legal actions could be used to gain justice from P.A.S.S. or any other source. It is useless to sue, my ex-disbarred attorney since he has died judgment proof. His estate has too many other suites already brought against it. Of course I found this out after his death from my current lawyer.

Another thing I did was go to the Federal Labor Relations Authority that could have forced the union to represent me. They cannot help me now because of expired time limits.

I had phoned in complaints, before my firing, to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (E.E.O.C.) about the verbal sexual harassment I was receiving. I contacted my former E.E.O.C. counselor, who at the time worked at the Williamsport Automated Flight Service Station in Williamsport, PA. He told me in a phone conversation that he was ordered to stay out of the case. He said that he would testify to this if the case ever went to court. My current lawyers and I have asked the F.A.A. region, Jamaica, NY. E.E.O.C. officer for information about the status of my harassment complaints and have gotten no response so far.

I also contacted the Office of Special Council that is supposed to protect my rights. I gave them information and statements by third party observers substantiating the abuses I had to endure. They refused to help me even after I sent them a hand written statement from a business partner of mine, who was checking my references. He talked to my ex-boss and found out in that conversation that: 1) they did not have people who could train me, and 2) that he was confident of my job performance. My ex-boss at the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton Airport said to me privately that he was put in a position to have me removed. This suggests collusion and is something that I think should be investigated. I have asked for help from Congressman Paul McHale’s office. A senior staff assistant in the Easton office has been helpful in writing to government agencies. However, the agencies he has been writing to seem to be stonewalling the questions. The senior staff assistant has stated the Congressman’s office will also help me if I release my complaint to the news media.

Since new union officers are now in power, I decided to write them. My lawyer and I have been writing and phoning the union for the last year requesting a meeting to discuss my case. We have gotten very little response to our correspondence. Ultimately, Johnson, National President and Rich Honso, National Vice-President have refused to talk to me. They have referred me to the union lawyer.

A close reading of the union contract in effect at the time of my removal shows that it was vague and did not clearly explain what P.A.S.S. would do for any member. A reading of the present union contract exposes that it is nearly as vague as the last one. Imagine a union and its’ officers negotiating a contract that does not back up its members! What good is a union if they do not have to represent their members? Imagine the bargain the union has by collecting hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of dollars annually, and not required to represent the members!

This story I believe is the result of F.A.A. supervisory inadequacy, union indifference, and discrimination by the F.A.A. I believe the National President and Vice President of P.A.S.S. should be impeached. Also, the union should be decertified and charter removed. When a person joins a union, it is the expressed understanding that the union is the collective bargaining agent and the union will back him. I think that arbitration in this case should have been a basic right given to me as a union member. P.A.S.S. would have fulfilled its responsibility to me if they had taken it to arbitration. It is my opinion that the union never represented me the way they should.

It is my desire to inform all members of the:
1150 17th Street, Suite 702, Washington, D.C. 20036
as to the type of union they are in and suggest removal of its officers.

In Conclusion. – I joined the army after receiving my two year associates degree in electronics technology. I also had an Advanced Class Amateur radio license. I thought the United States Army wanted this level of training. The instructors at Fort Gordon kept making stupid mistakes in electronics which I corrected. (The sergeant asked for help several times.) I was removed from training from my MOS 32g. The recruiter assured me I would get what I wanted or get discharged. My contract was “Iron Clad.”

Before I left to go to my new MOS, 63H, I walked into the O5B school where Morse Code was taught at Fort Gordon. They were trying to teach five to seven words per minute. I showed them high speed Morse code at twenty to thirty words per minute already trained. I found out later that at Fort Devens, Massachusetts that Morse code was used every day in addition to antenna farms that would interest any ham radio operator.
I was sent to Aberdeen Proving Ground to learn 63H Wheeled Vehicle Mechanics. (A tremendous waste of talent for a person like myself and the United States Army.)

In the United States Civil Service, I was denied promotions, harassed as stated above. All commissioned officers in The United States Army take an oath of office that states they will obey the laws of the United States of America. Any and all Americans are also expected to follow the laws of equal opportunity and employment, not promote friends and buddies.

I am guaranteed Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. William Penn stands as inspiration over Philadelphia to see these laws are enforced. In closing, my experience has unfortunately taught me that I will never trust the United States Army, a recruiter, or any boss employed by the United States Army.

What I wrote in these pages is only my belief and opinion.

I feel I am entitled to all back pay, to all promotions I was denied earlier in my career at Tobyhanna Army Depot. The sheet metal shop that I was forced to listen to while writing cable harness test program sets has been moved.
Tobyhanna Army Depot should be closed. (in my opinion) The actions I witnessed firsthand would never have been allowed to go on in private industry. The taxpayers of the United States of America would be better served if Tobyhanna Army Depot were turned over to private industry and run in a fashion to remove favoritism. Equal Opportunity is the law! I met many others on the internet that told similar stories at other military bases.

Placement should be done like private industry. Massive testing like what I experienced with Raytheon working on live weapon systems for the Royal Saudi Government, Lucent/Agere, plus others. Placement Specialists at Aberdeen Proving Ground should have been able to see my qualifications. I suspect they were told to ignore my eighteen (18) applications (2000 – 2008). Aberdeen Proving Ground should be closed.
Thank you for taking the time to read this statement. I wish to hear from any person wanting to comment or suffered similar abuses.

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