Advantages to Small City Guitar Shop

Depending on how a person is raised, small towns and cities are awesome. This Yahoo Contributor was raised in the country and has grown up surrounded by small towns. I have also lived in a metropolitan city, Columbus, Ohio. I prefer the small towns. One reason this Yahoo Contributor likes small towns is because there are some friendly people that care about their customers in a small town. Most small town business men and women work on the perspective “come and sit a spell.” The Pavlov Music Center owners have this perspective.

The Pavlov Music Center has been a resource for music teachers, students and music enthusiasists since 1961. The Pavlov Music Center is located on 624 Wheeling Avenue in Cambridge, Ohio. This music store is very small, but staff are accomadating. If the store doesn’t have something a customer needs, they will order what is needed.
There are many instruments available to buy in Pavlov’s Music Store.

Since I never played a guitar, but love to hear one played, there have been days when this Yahoo Contributor has gone in just to look at the cool, unique guitars that line the wall of the store. Some days I was lucky enough to hear somone strumming on a guitar.

My brother has tried his hand with both accoustic and electric guitar. His first guitar was purchased from Pavlov’s. He also received guitar lessons from an instructor that was employed at Pavlov’s music store. My brother enjoyed his experience with guitar lessons, probably because the teacher could spend quality one on one time with him.

This Yahoo Contributor definitely likes a small music store because the customers and students aren’t treated just like a number. Sometimes in a bigger music store, customers feel this way. The other advantage to small city music stores is finding good deals and unique looking guitars or other instruments.

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