Judge Dlott to Rule on Hunter V. Board of Elections Case in 30 Days

On a rainy, gloomy day in Cincinnati – Hunter and supporters were back in Federal court for Oral Arguments in Hunter v. Board of Elections.

“It’s been a long time coming and an even longer journey, but my confidence remains, not in the systems of this world which fail us, but in a sovereign God who never fails, the God of eternal justice!” wrote Hunter on her facebook page before she went to court for the conclusion of the trial.

Judge Susan Dlott says she’ll make a decision in the still-undecided Hamilton County juvenile court election between Tracie Hunter and John Williams within 30 days.

Earlier this year, Judge Dlott ordered the Board of Elections to investigate poll worker error and count provisional ballots cast in the wrong place due to poll worker error.

“It’s like mama told them (BOE) to do something and instead of doing what she (Judge Dlott) said they went and told daddy (the court) and daddy told them to do what mama said, and they are not listening to mama or daddy,” said Emanuel Livingston assistant program director and occasional fill-in host on WDBZ (“The Buzz”} radio in Cincinnati.”

When Judge Dlott makes the final ruling many Hunter supporters do not believe the BOE will comply with the court order if the judge once again orders them to count the votes.

“I believe they will continue to waste tax-payers dollars and keep this thing in court. To date Hunter has won every court hearing associated with this case. They are afraid when the votes are counted; Hunter is going to be the juvenile court judge,” said Susan Bergman of North Avondale.

Hunter supporters continue to use the social media to make more people aware of the Hamilton County saga that will no question have ramifications for the presidential election of 2012.

Apparently, there efforts are working as one Hunter supporter was recently contacted by a national radio show that has 8 million people in more than 115 markets.

If you want more information on the latest Hunter vs. Board of Elections please contact [email protected] or 513.621.6999

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