King’s Canyon Scenic Byway

Kings Canyon National Park is located east of Fresno, California. Magnificent wilderness rivers, canyons and waterfalls await the visitors on this 37 mile scenic byway leading to this National Park. Desert scenery surrounds this drive. It was warm and sunny day when we visited this park in August. A Tanka Poem

Yuccas, chaparral

Steep green canyon mountain walls

Fast canyon rivers

Cedar Grove Overlook on

Kings Canyon Scenic Byway!

South Fork King’s River

Sheer cliffs on each canyon wall

Monarch Wilderness

Loud roadside river rapids

Roaring rain laden river!

Spray from Grizzly Falls

Thunderous waterfall here

Active bear nearby

Many photographers with

People picnicking below!

Treacherous currents

Fast Level 5 rapids here

Visitor Center bridge closed

Swept away by high currents

Detours now on this Lodge Road!

Green frothy water

Roaring River waterfall

Deadly river gorge

Last waterfall seen on this

Scenic 37 miles!

Mike Oberg has published a slideshow of additional pictures of King’s Canyon at:

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