
Do I dare gaze into his crystal eyes?
His sultry blue unleashes my inner desire;
It’s much too late to take back my lies.

I know very well how hard he tries,
But he does not know he’s in love with a liar.
Do I dare gaze into his crystal eyes?

A solemn face is my permanent guise;
Every day I walk along a tightrope wire.
It’s much too late to take back my lies.

Telling him now would not be wise;
There would be no way to put out the fire.
Do I dare gaze into his crystal eyes?

My lips release the smallest of sighs,
And then I think of what may transpire.
It’s much too late to take back my lies.

I cradle my baby and look to the skies;
His thoughts wander to what this child may inspire.
Do I dare gaze into his crystal eyes?
It’s much too late to take back my lies.

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