LOVE HEALS 20th Anniversary Gala

DIFFA : Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS: “Tribute to David Rockwell.” David Rockwell , Founder & CEO of The Rockwell Group has been Chairman of the Board of DIFFA for 12 years. Details online . LOVE HEALS 20 th Anniversary Gala : The Alison Gertz Foundation for AIDS Education 20th Anniversary Gala will honor Julianna Margulies , Cristina Cuomo and Michael Lorber : About Love Heals : Love Heals was founded in 1992 to carry on the memory of the late AIDS activist Alison Gertz , who contracted HIV from a single sexual encounter at the age of 16. Love Heals , the Alison Gertz Foundation for AIDS Education , empowers young people in the fight against HIV. Our HIV-positive speakers are putting a face to the epidemic and our youth empowerment programs are training a new generation of community educators and activists. Love Heals also creates and distributes educational materials, shares its expertise and advocates for young people’s right to HIV/AIDS education . We do this in partnership with hundreds of schools and community groups throughout New York City and the surrounding areas, reaching both young people and those individuals who impact their lives, and placing a special emphasis on outreach to high-risk communities. Impact: By the close of 2011, Love Heals will have directly educated more than 500,000 young people about the realities of HIV and AIDS. The 300- plus young women of color who have completed our peer education training program have reached an additional 10,000 through their community action projects. This years event will be designed by NYC event designer & planner, Joanna Cummings of Elite Weddings & Events. Time: 6:30 PM cocktails | 7:30 PM dinner & live auction Venue: The Four Seasons Restaurant, 99 East 52nd Street, New York City EMCEE: Hal Rubenstein Tickets & Sponsorships: Tables: $50,000 | $25,000 | $15,000 | $10,000 | $7,500 Tickets: $2,500 | $750 For More Information Please Contact: Jennifer Houston at the Love Heals Benefit Office | tel: 212-867-1117 | e-mail: [email protected] | web:

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