Make Your Own Cooling Aloe Lotion

Skin is easily damaged by the sun, and oftentimes we forget to protect our faces when we are working in the yard rather than playing or relaxing. I tend to get the most sun-affected skin in the early spring, fall and winter when I spend the most time outdoors doing some serious labor. Gardening, raking leaves, mowing the lawn and shoveling snow are all activities that bring us out into the sun, but during which sun protection is not high on our priorities. These moments generally happen when you are the least likely to find aloe products intended to sooth skin in the stores. That is why I discovered, and continue to make, my own soothing lotion to ease the dryness and tightness caused by the sun.

This soothing aloe based lotion can help prevent peeling with sunburned skin, it can also help moisturize and condition any skin. It is a nice, light lotion that I love to use to relax after working outdoors in any weather. It is also much less expensive to make your own batches of this lotion than to purchase commercial versions, which I can never seem to find when I need the most. To use the lotion, simply massage it into your skin. However, remember to be gentle if you are sore or sunburnt.

You Will Need:
2 or 3 drops of peppermint oil
1 tablespoon of chamomile tea
1 tablespoon of vitamin E
½ cup of aloe vera gel
1 microwave-safe bowl
1 airtight jar for storage

1. Mix the chamomile tea and Aloe Vera gel together in the microwave safe bowl.
2. Gently heat the mixture for about a minute in the microwave, or a couple minutes in a water bath on the stovetop. Do not let the mixture boil.
3. Let the mixture cool completely and then strain away any solids. I generally strain through a sieve or colander lined with cheesecloth.
4. Discard any solids.
5. Add the peppermint oil and Vitamin E to the remaining mixture and stir well.
6. Pour the resulting blend into the clean jar for later use.

This recipe should yield around four ounces. To make this lotion an even more refreshing treatment on sore or sunburned skin, you can refrigerate the lotion. This makes the lotion especially good on sore bodies and in the heat of the summer when overheating is as possible as overexposure to the sun.

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