Are sports good for you

Are sports good for you

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Are sports good for you”,you can compare them.

Yes, sports are good for exercise and to strengthen your muscles and heart! Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are sports good for you
How to : Know If “COMPETITIVE SPORTS (are good for your kids…?
・ 1 Even worse, parents have entered the act. Running on the field lambasting a young kid he thought put… ・ 2 So, the question is, is this type of competition good for young kids? Is it the best way to foster… ・ 3 But, maybe competit…
How to be good at sports?
I was the same way twenty years ago, looking back I see how easy sports would be if I stuck to it. If you were a geek too then your aptitude for spatial comprehension should be high as well as other mental capacities. There is no “quic…
I’m only good at sports when I’m mean.. Why is that??
sports is all about agressiveness and passion. all athletes can boost there athletic capabilities to a higher level just with determination . its common among athletes that anger pushes their abilities. its alright but you need to learn how…

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A: Curling. I think that anyone can use a broom to scrub the ice in front of that big cement thing that is sliding on the ice.I mean seriously, how can that even be a sport?
How do I become good at multiple sports?
Q: I am a 13 year old girl who is seventh grade and I will be going into eighth grade next summer. I play volleyball in the fall, basketball in the winter, and softball in the spring. I want to know how to be good at all of these sports! Well, not good but great! If you are only an expert on one of these sports don’t feel like you have to answer for all of the questions! Thanks in advance!
A: I coach multiple sports for competitive level teams. The best multi-sport successes are those players who are naturally athletic.The way to achieve the highest success in every sport is fitness and qualified instruction.As you progress, you may find that you will reach your limitations with one or more of the sports that you have chosen. At that time, most athletes decide to focus on one sport … and then participate in the other sports that they enjoy, but at a less intense level.You should consult your coaches about how you are doing … sometimes, players enjoy a sport, but just don’t have the aptitude for it. That was how baseball was for me … I loved the sport, but I did not have the ability to get really good at it regardless of how much I trained.I was a standout soccer player, however, and never did much training at all. An honest assessment of your potential should help you determine what sports to pursue competitively, and which ones to play just because you like to.Good luck.
What are good background songs for a sports photo video for a grad party?
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A: POD- Here comes the boom always a good oneI use alot of electronic and hard rock for sports highlites.Linkin Park has a some good ones.Does it offend you yeah?- We are rockstars this one was used in the new fast and furious previewI also have always like DMX-Party upI also use alot of rap instrumentals

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