Is physical exercise good for you mentally

Is physical exercise good for you mentally

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is physical exercise good for you mentally”,you can compare them.

Taking care of your body is a powerful first step towards mental and emotional health. The mind and the body are linked [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is physical exercise good for you mentally
How good is physical exercise for your general mental health??
actually, physical exercise is great for your mental health… when you exercise, your body releases endorphins (also known as the happy chemical) this helps relax both the body and the mind. additionally, certain physical exercises can pos…
Why is physical play and exercise good for a child’s mental healt…?
Physical play can include activites that involve pretend play, which is a great way for children to use their imagination. It also allows them to interact with other children, and to learn how to do things. Physical play can also allow a ch…
Will mental and physical fatigue go away with better diet and exe…?
I’ve been a runner for the past 8 years, and i know exactly what you’re talking about. When i dont run for long periods of time i feel exhausted. Its actually kind of strange. It even becomes hard for me to sleep at night. So, what i’ve fou…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Whats a good way to mentally and physically exercise my new 7 week old pit bull puppy?
Q: I can really take her on the grass because she’s not fully vaccinated yet, but I want to be sure she is getting good exercise… both physical and mental.
A: Start with basic training commands to work her mentally. Kongs will also work her mentally if she’s interested. Have someone hold her leash and hide treats around the room (or even just pieces of her kibble), release her and say ‘find it!’ Here is a great website with print outs that can help you start training: you have any friends with dogs who ARE vaccinated? We did playdates with older dogs that we knew were vaccinated in our backyard or in theirs. Once your puppy receives her second set of shots, you can enroll her in puppy classes, which are great for training AND socializing. We also met a few other pups in ours that had the same energy level so we would have playdates with them. They can wear each other out much quicker than we can!
I find dieting harder than exercise, how do I mentally trick myself to eat better?
Q: It’s funny, I actually feel the physical strain of exercise is easier than the mental strain of planning a diet. But even if I exercise like crazy I can’t seem to get rid of excess flab in the mid section. It’s very frustrating. I have tried cutting back on portion sizes, which has helped somewhat. How can you get a killer physique without killing yourself mentally and emotionally trying to stick to a diet?
A: few questions. 1. how many times do you eat a day.2. do you control what you eat. 3. do you control what you drink?4. how long have you been exercising?1. if you’ve been eating 2-3 times a day double that to 4-6 times a day but smaller portions. this will help you shrink the size of your stomach. 2. you know the drill better than me as to what to eat. just a few notes. beans have a fiber that reacts with stomach acid and helps you feel full easier. mix your bean colors to get all the different vitamins and benefits of all of them. 3. water is stll the best. no added coloring, sugar or excess caffeen when you don’t need it.Filtered municipal water if your county is doing their job is generally just as healthy or healthier than bottled. see the vid below. 4. You know the idea of platuing for exercise.
how do you keep a child of six to ten years of age mentally and physically occupied at the same time?
Q: the information will be used as a part of a research that is being done.. also.. how can children be given an environment where they can involve themselves in mental and physical exercise?
A: i wish there was a big safe park in my area where i live. so that i can take my son there to play with other kids. i think if u give kids a big space, a few playground equipment and a ball, they can entertain themselves and get the physical exercise they need. where i live its not to safe, the park has few or broken equipment, and there is drug dealers not to far from the park. we have to go to a another city to take my son to the park. i also don’t think its necessary to entertain your children at all times. sometimes its good to just let them occupy themselves otherwise they will grow up to be adults who are constantly bored and don’t know what to do.i went shopping at walmart and i noticed these kids with a portable dvd player and i thought to myself “how often do these kids need to be glued to their tv. why can’t these kids go shopping with their parents without the tv.”

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