Can you remove cellulite

Can you remove cellulite

Health related question in topics Fitness Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you remove cellulite”,you can compare them.

Treatments of cellulite are directed at the surgical removal of the fat cells themselves. Diet and exercise reduces the appereance [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you remove cellulite
How to Remove Cellulite
・ 1 Understand what cellulite is. Cellulite is a fatty substance that is found under your connective tissues… ・ 2 Develop an exercise program that is designed to help remove your body fat content. Exercise is an effective… ・ 3 Buy a moi…
Does liposuction remove cellulite?
Cellulite is a collection of fat deposits that push against the connective tissue beneath a person’s skin. While liposuction may reduce the degree of cellulite, it is highly unlikely that it will significantly improve or eliminate cellulite…
Will liposuction remove cellulite?
No, it will not. Liposuction may have to be combined with mesotherapy to remove cellulite.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I remove cellulite?? Do you know some ways to remove some things that can help?
Q: I’m still young and I’m growing do you think when I grow taller my cellulite will gone?? But still do you know some ways to remove cellulite??
A: No not necessarily. A lot of women who have cellulite are not fat. Sometimes thin women will have some cellulite on their legs or butt. It is pretty common. There are lasers and creams you can use.
What could you mix with coffee grounds to remove cellulite?
Q: i know coffee grounds can temporarily remove the appearance of cellulite, but what can i mix it in to put it on?
A: mix the coffee grounds in olive oil, apply and wrap around the area for a few minutes. i helped 🙂
whats the fastest way to remove cellulite?
Q: whats the fastest way to remove cellulite without and kind of surgery. its on the back of my legs and i don’t like it and i have a month before im going on vacation to the beacj. whats the quickest way i can get rid of it all, or even just some of it? thanks!!
A: You can’t get rid of cellulite (even if you’re stick thin), but you can tone up the skin by using a loofah daily on the problem areas and apply a cream specifically targeting cellulite. It will only temporarily tighten the skin. Also, if you use a fake tan, it may make the cellulite appear less obvious.Getting a professional massage on the area might help too. The idea is that it drains the lymphatic system of toxins and will make your skin tissue appear soft.

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