Does drinking alot of water make you lose weight

Does drinking alot of water make you lose weight

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does drinking alot of water make you lose weight”,you can compare them.

Yes, drinking water helps you lose weight because it speeds up your metabolism and helps the fat leave your body through urine. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does drinking alot of water make you lose weight
Does drinking a lot of water make you lose weight?
Drinking cold water, yes. In order to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you take in. Since:・ a) Water has zero calories ・ b) Your body burns calories warming the cold water to body temperature
Does drinking a lot of water make/help you lose weight??
I try to drink as much water as possible. Yes it does help you lose weight, it cleanses your whole body. It keeps your metabolism in order. I suggest only drinking ice cold water, as it burns alot of calories. Everytime I drink water I put …
Can you lose weight by drinking water?
Drinking more water can help you lose weight, but I wouldn’t suggest going on a “water fast” or anything of that sort.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does drinking alot of water really help you lose weight?
Q: I’ve been looking on here at some of the questions, and alot of people say that drinking alot of water everyday and no other kind of drinks will help. Some contradicted this by saying that it doesn’t help..Then others recommended drinking nothing but water and something about just nibbling on a lime, or something and the hunger would slowly pass, and people then said the complete opposite: that if you go without supplying your body with nutrients then it will only make you gain more weight, …So I’m confused…Is drinking alot of water all day really a good way to help you drop alot of weight? Or is it drinking nothing BUT water that would help….or would all of that in the end just make you gain more weight?
A: well that’s right..drinking a lot of water will not only help you to reduce but will also clean your internal system too..make a habit of drinking water everyday.aprat from that dont drink water immediately after you meal..wait for half an hour to have water…rest is Drink WATER and reduce WeighGood Luck
I’ve started drinking alot of water but I dont wanna lose weight.?
Q: I’ve cut out all sugary drinks and sodas and replaced it with the 8 daily recommended glasses of water. I heard that people lose alot of weight drinking water. I’m already a toothpick as is and don’t want to get any thinner. What should I do?
A: No just keep drinking water it’ll make you lose a little bit of weight but not alot. Drinking water is healthy for your body. Dont be concerned.
Does drinking alot of water help you lose excess water weight?
Q: or do you gain weight from drinking too much water ?
A: The answer to this question is counter-intuitive. Yes, drinking water helps relieve excess water weight. Depriving yourself of water to avoid water weight will accomplish the opposite. Hormones in your kidneys monitor and maintain fluid and salt intake/output, and are happiest (able to maintain a proper salt/water balance most easily) when you consume a high amount of water and low amount salt. Depriving your body of water only caused your body to want to retain more. Also, drinking a lot of water can help relieve bloat associated with constipation. So drink up! You will excrete any excess water that your body doesn’t need. A good sign that you are drinking enough is a high volume of clear urine.

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