What is the strongest part of the human body

What is the strongest part of the human body

Health related question in topics Biology Fitness Physics .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the strongest part of the human body”,you can compare them.

The strongest parts of the human body is, By strength: The quadriceps. By size to power ratio: The Jaw. ChaCha soon. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-strongest-part-of-the-human-body ]
More Answers to “What is the strongest part of the human body
What is the strongest part of human body?
your leg. Thats the part of your body that holds up your whoe body. If you way maybe 300 pounds what holds you up? you leg. thats why its the most strongest part of your body.
What is the strongest muscle in the human body?
I found a government site that lists strongest muscles according to different definitions (absolute strength (maximum force), dynamic strength (repeated motions), elastic strength (exert force quickly), and strength endurance (withstand fat…
Who is the strongest human?
There is no proof in the manga or anime to support that claim. The Tri-Beam is a powerful last resort that is much stronger than any move that Krillin or even 18 has, but it does not determine someone’s strength. If it did, then Tien would …

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Q: E.g. Hands, legs, feet…
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A: the strongest muscle.. as i’ve known… is the tongue

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