Does your butt get big from dancing

Does your butt get big from dancing

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No, your butt does not get big from dancing. You might also lose it from dancing! Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for your hips, butt and thighs. You can also try biking. Good luck on your big butt journey. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does your butt get big from dancing
Can booty dancing make your butt and hips bigger??
this is a proven method try it instead ( it got me three best answers so far) do muscle building excercises and ad alot more calories to your diet along with protien and a vitamin called L-lysine to your diet. lysine helps your body assimil…

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Can booty dancing make your butt and hips bigger?
Q: Can popping and hip rolling make your butt bigger? How fast if so?Oops and hipsz.
A: this is a proven method try it instead ( it got me three best answers so far)do muscle building excercises and ad alot more calories to your diet along with protien and a vitamin called L-lysine to your diet. lysine helps your body assimilate protiens so its great for building your glutes and since muscl is made of protien you’ll need that to. in japan sumo wrestlers gain massive amounts of weight but are very strong because they gian the weight subcutaeniously which means under the skin not in the muscle . thats what give booties that shake everyone likes. start with the excersises first then add alot of calories. then work your butt real hard for like 12 weeks you should see a difference. if it works go 4-6 weeks off without the squats but continue the calories the new booty wil stay if you reduce your caloreis and your work out. i suggest going to gnc and buying weight gain shakes and then eating like normal this will allow precise control of your weight gain once your satified do toning excersises only. after this program consider havin fat from your tummy injected in to your butt . e-mail me if you have any more questions.
what does studio dance do to your butt?
Q: is it true when you go to studio dance, that your butt gets bigger, like more toned? and if so, why is that?
A: Well it will tone your muscles but often most people loose weight from all the exercise. I guess it just depends wether your butt is muscular of fat!!xx

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