How old is the average human

How old is the average human

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Average human age is 28 years; male: 27.4 years female: 28.7 years. More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How old is the average human
How old is the average human?
I think he means if we took a record of every human being and their age, what then would the average be. Sorry bud, can’t help you out.
How long is the average human penis on flop for a 21 yr old??
100mm or about 4 inches Though men are best measured from the neck up
What is the average human weight for a 1 year old?
It is around 40-45lbs Hope I helped.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the oldest part of the average human body and how old is it?
Q: Given that our bodies as we have them today are not exactly the same as what we had as children or even last week, and that cells are continuously being created and destroyed, what is the maximum age that a part of our body could be right now?Or to put it in a different way, what is the oldest part of our body?I’m guessing that bones dont change much, but maybe they do! Its easy to think of ourselves as unchanging, but since our hair is only as old as our last haircut + how many weeks it took to grow that much, maybe the same is true of our entire body!?!?!
A: I am an MD. This is a very interesting question. Another way of phrasing it might be, what is the longest time since any of your cells have divided. i.e. which cell in your body has existed the longest without dividing? Actually, every tissue in your body has a certain turnover rate, with your bone marrow being the fastest (several days) to your brain cells and muscle cells, which essentially don’t divide at all after about age 19-22. This is why stem cell research is so valuable, since it carries the hope that the non-dividing parts of our bodies, such as brain and muscle and spinal cord, could be regenerated with the aid of stem cells. As we get older, our cell turnover rate declines, and our tissues become laden with more and more elderly cells. This is pre-programmed into our cells, on purpose, for some reason. (see below). Of course the end result of this is that we die of “old age” which means we are really dying of lack of cell turnover. Some scientists feel that we may be able to disable this mechanism, to allow us to remain forever youthful. Sharks and catfish are like this, never aging even by the tiniest amount. However, the probable reason that we have a cell turnover “brake” built in may well be a compensation against cancer, which is a runaway reproduction of a single cell line that “goes crazy”. Anyway, it is an interesting thought.
What would the world be like if the average human life span is 1000 years old?
Q: note: The current life span for humans(male and female) is 67 yrs. old(
A: We will be a whole lot wiser and a whole lot smarter, be a little more forward in technology. The inventers that made them are still alive and know from they’re past mistakes what and what no to do.
How old does an average male human die?
A: Depends on how long his wife LETS him live! My husband may not make it to his 35th!

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