How can I get a bigger firm butt

How can I get a bigger firm butt

Health related question in topics Fitness Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I get a bigger firm butt”,you can compare them.

You can maximize the emphasis on your maximus with a few simple technique tricks. For instance, when you do any glute. MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I get a bigger firm butt
How do i get my butt more firm, lifted and bigger.Helpp!?
long time no see. Anyhow I suggest doing butt crunches. Butt crunches will firm up your butt muscles and help to build mass. This is the best method because it will help you to build shapely mass, opposed to unsightly mass, on you bottom. A…
How to Get a Sexy Butt That is Firm and Round Without Being Too B…?—How-to-Get-a-Sexy-Butt-That-is-Firm-and-Round-Without-Being-Too-Big-Or-Small&id=1434690
These exercises for glutes will give you all the information you need to know on how to get a sexy butt that is firm and round that is not too big and not too small. Imagine having a butt that both men and women can’t help but to notice. …
What exercises can I do to help give my a bigger more firm butt.??
I’ve answered this one before but i’ll do it again…targeted weight gain is purely hereditary and nothing you can do about it…and targeted weight loss is impossible…think about it, have you seen a fat person with a six pack ab? look a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What exercises can I do to help give my a bigger more firm butt.?
Q: I want to exercise but I dont want to lose my butt.I am a pettite woman I guess you would say and I never had a butt untill I had my second blessing.Now I have a little butt and I dont want to lose it,if anything I want to make it bigger and more firmer.
A: I’ve answered this one before but i’ll do it again…targeted weight gain is purely hereditary and nothing you can do about it…and targeted weight loss is impossible…think about it, have you seen a fat person with a six pack ab? look at your mother and your grandmother, where do they carry thier weight is probably where you will carry yours…one of the biggest misconception from my female clients i train is that they want to be healthy and fit but do not want to lose thier chest or thier butts…but what makes up the chest and the butt? FAT…if you excercise and lose weight you more then likely lose your fat…you can however firm and create a more bubbly look to your butt thru various excercises 😉 that’s another subject…
what exersize can i do to make my butt more firm and bigger??
Q: I want to make my butt bigger so i can get that bikini body.What exersize will help my butt? (also i got a little fat on my legs so i need a good exersize).So,What exersize?Will it work? How long?
A: You can do lunges, squats, step-ups, and hip extensions. Also, jog on a treadmill and maybe take a fitness class.There are some other things that you can do that will help. I read an article that gave a lot more tips that should help.I’ll leave a link to the article below.I hope this helps…
What type of exercise routine will firm your butt, but not make it bigger?
Q: I’m looking to tone and firm my butt (flatten it a bit if possible, I have a bubble butt and there’s some fat there). What can I do that will do this but not make my butt any bigger?I’m not sure if I have a bubble butt. I’m really skinny and my butt sticks out, but it’s kind of jiggly to so I may have just drank to many sodas and ate too much fast food. Would it be possible to flatten my butt if this is the case?
A: Genetics play a huge role here!!! Everyone in my family could use some padding on their butts to make them fit well in girls jeans!! So we all wear boys jeans! It is either that or go buy one of those padded girdles from Fredricks!! giggle giggle!!!You can do bending, bumping and just plain walking, and you might be able to tone the bottom up a little. But, go look at your mother and your aunts!! See if they also don’t have bubble butts, at least not flat ones like I have and my daughters also.Shall we trade bottom looks? I would love to be able to fit into some girls jeans and not have to do some major revisions on the amount of excess fabric that is in them.

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