How do you do deadlift

How do you do deadlift

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you do deadlift”,you can compare them.

A properly executed bent leg deadlift for women works all of the major muscles in the lower body. Thank you and do the ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you do deadlift
・ 1 Position yourself correctly. Make sure the bar is steady and on a flat surface. Walk up to the bar… ・ 2 Lower your body down to the bar. Keep your back straight, and lower your knees down to about a 90 degree… ・ 3 Pull the bar off t…
・ Place the barbell on the ground and attach weights to it according to your strength and fitness level… ・ Step up to the bar so that your feet are approximately shoulder width apart and under the bar pointing… ・ Squat down and grasp th…
The deadlift is a heavy compound movement that should be included in the exercise program of any lifter. As this lift will strengthen not only the entire back, but the musculature of the hips, abdominals, and legs, as well as work the grip,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Bodybuilders how many of you do deadlift no stiff regular ones?
Q: How many of you gym rats/bodybuilders do deadlift.I dont find many people doing that in my gym about 20% i guess but those who does are strong as hell most of them deadlift 550 or more and i am a weak a sss on a good day i can only deadlift 315 for 2 reps.I know i am weak in deadlift and really trying to fix it.Should i worry about it.
A: Deadlifts are one of the best all around exercises in the gym, but they can also be dangerous if they are not done right. I’ve tweaked my back a couple of times(while using perfect form). If you can do them properly while not hurting yourself I would definitely suggest them.My max was 550 but I stopped doing them at age 19. You also might want to check out the sumo deadlift.
What is the best workout for bigger deadlift gains?
Q: i ma a powerlifter and i like to deadlift. I have a 325 deadlift and i would like to get it bigger. I work my hamstrings, my thighs, my back, and my forearms for grip. I think those are good areas to work and they give me gains, but my gains take a long time to reach. Is there anything i can do to make my gains faster?
A: I just do straight up power cleans… It seems to help my dead lift alot.
How do I start my workout regime with? Bench, Deadlift, and Row?
Q: Ever since I found out about all these different methods to working out, it occured to me I needed to stick with what works. I am working out at home for the time and need to gain mass. I used to use all the magazine workouts and even considered HST. None of these worked for me so well. That and partying and stopping my workouts weeks into it. I am now considering going with three main exercises Bench, Deadlift, and Row. These must work I figure because it is compound movements which trigger more muscle fibers hence bigger gains.I am doing pyramid sets with my Bench in a 10-8-5-3-1-12 Reps for each set. My queston is, how should I lift for my Deadlift and Row’s? Should I use Pyramid sets or regular same weight? How should I eat for this. I am 6’2 and smoke whacky tobaccy..I know I have to cut down because deadlifts are a bit**. But, how should I go about this?
A: Good choice of exercises for an all over workout. You are right about compound exercises.For each exercise try one or two warm up sets followed by one work set.Your first set might be at 50% load for 6-10 reps then another warmup set at arpond 70% then a final set of 6-10 reps at the maximum you can lift for this number of reps.

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