How do you lower body fat percentage

How do you lower body fat percentage

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you lower body fat percentage”,you can compare them.

Strength training, or anything that increases muscle mass, will decrease body fat faster than normal exercise. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you lower body fat percentage
Obviously lose weight. Best way is to do a heavy cardio work out and stick with it.
・ 1 Cut calories. If we eat more than we need, our bodies store the excess calories as fat. If we reduce… ・ 2 Get moving. The body burns the most calories at work, and calorie burning leads to fat burning. Aerobic… ・ 3 Add resistance. M…
Ive been told that cleansing is a very good way to start loseing excess body fat, because toxins are in the actual fat cell and thats what makes them grow larger, so once you cleanse these toxins out of the fat cells it causes them to shrin…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to lower body fat percentage?
Q: Alright so here are my current stats:Age:13.5Gender:MaleHeight: 5’5 3/4Weight:125 lbsI’m basically asking how to lower body fat, I recently found out my body fat percentage is 18% and that won’t help me get my abs to show, so I need to know how to lower body fat % by september. I already lift weights, and try running every night before I sleep.
A: The problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average will reduces your energy. and makes you week. The 9 pounds every 11 days fat loss promise – Fat Loss 4 Idiots promises that you will lose 9 pounds every 11 days of use. I don’t like this promise because every person is different and loses weight at a different pace. Sure, some people do lose 9 pounds every 11 days, others do even better. But most of the people lose an average of 6 pounds every 11 days. This is still a great weight loss rate, so I think Fatloss4idiots could’ve done without the 9 pounds promise.
what are some of the best ways to lower body fat percentage?
Q: i want to lower my body fat percentage to about 6 to 8 %. im already in good shape im about 10-12 % and im pretty built. but i want my abs to pop like mario lopez or brad pitt in troy. any suggestions ?
A: well if you want those you will have to work hard for it.first start to control your diet.start to exercise more.monitor your fat harder and better.
Does a lower body fat percentage affect your mood?
Q: I have lost a lot of weight/body fat in the last year and I feel more stressed. Ive lost my period due to intense training for a fitness competition. I worry that I am getting rather depressed and impatient. Is it possible for low body fat to be the culprit or am I just obsessing too much about having the perfect body to bring home the trophy. Thanks in advance. ( I am a female and my body fat is 10%)
A: I doubt it’s the body fat percentage, it’s more likely to be what you did to get there. I used to be a boxer, and I cut down to 6% body fat (as a heavyweight) for the season. I did it pretty much by eating nothing and working out all the time. And I got WIERD! I found myself tearing up, ready to cry, because of an American Express commerical. Turns out that all the exercise plus the lack of food had my blood sugars running rampant, with severe swings. Plus my body’s mineral content was all screwed up, even though I was taking multivitamins. You’re probably suffering from low blood sugar, depression and anxiety are common when your blood sugar dips too low. Try getting some of the test strips diabetics use, and regulating your sugars a little more closely. It worked for me.

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